Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
List of 39 Melachot
Group 1: Field Work

Choresh - plowing
Zoreah - sowing
Koitzer - reaping
M'amair - bundling
Dush - treshing
Zoreh - winnowing
Borer - selecting
Miraked - sifting
Tochen - grinding
Lush - kneading
Ofeh - baking
Group 2: The making of Material Curtains

Gozez - shearing
Melaven - bleaching
Menafetz - combing
Tzovaiah - dyeing
Toveh - spinning
Meisach - weaving
Oseh Bais Batai Neirim - weaving
Oreg - weaving
Potzaiah - unwearing
Kosher - knot
Matir - unknot
Tofair - sewing
Ko'reah - unsewing
Group 3: The making of Leather Curtains

Tzud - trapping
Shochet - slaughtering
Mafshit - skinning
Meabaid - tanning
Mesharteit - marking out
Memacheik - smooth/scarpe
Mechateich - cutting to shape
Group 4:  Krushim (beams of the Mishkan)

Kosaiv - writing
Mochaick - erasing
Group 5:  walls of Mishkan up and down

Boneh - building
Soiser - demolishing
Group 6: Final Touches of the Mishkan

Ma'ariv - lighting a fire
Mechaveh - putting out a fire
macke B'Patish - final touches
Hotza'ah - carrying
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