Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
The Fatherhood of G-d
Is He not your Father who acquired you? (Deut. xxxii, 6).

A close and personal bond exists between G-d and men.  Having created the world, He watches over each individual with the loving care that a father gives his children and He sets the example they should follow.  That is what is meant by the verse in Genesis 'G-d created man in His own image' (i, 27).  Every commandment given to the Children of Israel, through Moses, has this for its aim: that we model our lives on the example set by the Creator.  We are to conduct our lives on the highest plane of ethical and social behaviour.   You shall be holy for I the Lord your G-d am Holy (Lev. xix, 2).  This relationship of Father and children is stressed very often in our prayers.  Knowing we have a Father who takes a personal interest in all that we do gives us a sense of security and companionship, and spurs us to fulfil our tasks in life.
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