Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
Kashering information
A toaster oven cannot be used for both dairy and meat.  It must be designated for dairy or meat only.  Since some companies test the toaster fist with non-kosher bread, check for breadcrumbs.

Meat vitamins, such as liver pills, do not make a person fleishig (meaty).  It is not necessary to wait 6 hours (or the number of hours accordin to your minhag), after swallowing these pills.

Although normally, it is not permissible for a person to kasher his silverware from milk to meat (or vice versa), if he received expensive silverware as a gift, he may kasher it.
back to 'kashering information' part 1
Part 2
Note from someone who's been there:
After completing your conversion, you'll have to kasher your whole kitchen and everything that it contains again.  All plestics and other non-kosherable items will have to be replaced by new ones. 
If you buy now an expensive set of porcelain dishes, which is not kosherable, be smart and don't use them until after the completion of your conversion :-)
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