Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
The laws of the Holidays / Yom Tovim / Chagim
You cannot light a Yartzeit lamp on a holiday
You cannot make cheese or butter or remove cream from milk  unless you leave milk below it and you should only take for that day.
You can ground spices that lose their flavour if you don it ahead of time but you have to do it in an abnormal manner.
It IS preferble that all food is prepared before the holiday commences.
It is forbiden to cop wood or break wood by hand.
It is forbidden to arrange wood on stones for the purpose of kindling a fire since it is like creating a tent.  If you need to do this you should do it abnormally.  Any pot placed upon stones and light you should not place the pot on the stones.
You cannot fan a fire with bellows because you would be performing a labor with professional means.
You can separate beans taking the amount you need for the day, but you cannot use a sifter or place them in water to float waste to the top.
You cannot sift flour.
You can knead dough but you must take care not to measure the flour precisely but to approximate the measurement.
You can take Challah from the dough that was kneaded on a holiday, this dough may not be burned or baked or carried.  You should put it aside and burn it after the holiday.
All the labors that are forbidden to be performed on Shabbos are forbidden to be performed on the holidays.  Just as on Shabbos, it is forbidden to have these labors performed by a gentile, so too is this forbidden on a holiday.  Similarly, just as a person is obligated to have his animals rest on Shabbos, he should also have his animals rest on a holiday (if you use animals as your employment i.e. a farm or as a food source).

On holidays, the labors involved with the preparation of food are permitted as Exodus 12:16 states: " Only what is necessary for each person, this alone may be performed for you".  This includes kneading dough, baking, slaughtering animals, and cooking.  You can do this for preparing food for contributing to the spirit of rejoicing on the holidays.
Specific laws for specific chagim will be covered in detail later.
You cannot mix clay.
You can catch fowl for food to slaughter them on a holiday but for no other reason.  You can also sew stuffed poultry but the needle must be threaded before the holiday.
You cannot catch fish or animals unless you catch a fish with your hands.  Water and food for animals you aren't catching must be set a distance away.
If a chicken is treif after you slaughter it, it becomes muktzeh and cannot be carried but you can put it somewhere where it will not spoil.  You should only slaughter animals if there is a GREAT NECESSITY.
You can salt meat to remove its blood and kasher it only if you need the meat for the holiday.
If you bake pastry on a holiday, you cannot make designs in the dough with a mold or by hand.
You cannot spread sunstances i.e. melt a candle.
You cannot extinguish a fire or cause a fire to be extinguished.
You cannot kasher utensils that have become forbidden by boiling on fire.
Dishes may not be washed on the first day of a holiday for use on the second day.
You cannot light an oven to heat your home unless it is so cold that food congeals.  You can heat water to wash your hands but not your entire body.  You cannot heat water to wash a baby.
You cannot ignite a fire on a holiday using a flint, glass or match
you cannot burn incense
If a person is not dangerously ill, it is forbidden on the first days of the holiday to treat him with forbidden labors.
You can transfer items from one domain to another even if food is not involved if it fulfills a purpose that contributes to the joy of the holiday.
Any forbidden labors that are allowed to be performed on the holiday may be performed only for the sake of people, not animals.
You cannot cook or bake for the sake of a gentile nor can you invite them to eat with you
You cannot transfer an article for a gentile to a place where one may not bring an article on Shabbos.
Any articles that are muktzeh are forbidden to be moved on Shabbos and also on holidays.
Wood can be carried only for the purpose of kindling.
IF a holiday falls on a friday, you can not bake or cook any food designated for Shabbos unless you prepare eruv tavshillin before the holiday.  Taking bread and cooked or roasted food which is fit to be eaten together with bread.
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