Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
The most  natural way to come near G-d is trough prayer.  There are moments in our lives when we crave to give thanks for blessings, when we seek consolation for sorrows, or when  we want an answer to our needs and desires.  To whom can we turn at such times but to our Father in Heaven?  True prayer must come from the heart and be accompanied by devotion.

During prayers we must dedicate ourselves to the service of G-d and expel all other thoughts from the mind.  It must not be a mechanical task, but a supplication for mercy and grace befroe the All-Present (Avot ii, 18). G-d is always ready to hear sincere prayers.  It may sometimes seem that they are unanswered, but we must have complete confidence in G-d's justice and wisdom.

When Moses wanted G-d to heal Miriam from Tzara'as, his prayer was simple:
O G-d, heal her now, I beseech Thee (Num. xii, 13).  Yet after the incident of the golden calf his prayer that the people be forgiven lasted forty days  (Deut. ix, 25).  In both cases the answer was favourable.  It is not the length of the prayer but its sincerety which is important.
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