Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
Rabbi Yosef Caro
Rabbi Yosef Caro (or Karo) was the head of the Tsfat, Israel Beis Din as well as its Chief Rabbi for over 35 years.  He was a very influential and mystical rabbi.

Rabbi Caro was born in the year 5248 (1488) in either Spain or Portugal.
His family arrived in Turkey in 1497, where he resided for the next 39 years, mostly in Istanbul.  In 1522 he moved to Adrianople where he became interested in mysticism.  He and his study partner created the custom of Tikun Leil Shavuos ("rectification of Shavuot night": recitation of verses from all parts of the written and oral Torah)
Rabbi Caro's major work was the Beit Yosef which is a commentary on the Arba Turim (The Four Pillars) of rabbi Yaakov ben Asher.  he wanted to resolve disputes through understanding of halacha.  He also wrote kesef Mishna, an explanation and source reference for the Mishna Torah of Maimonides.

Rabbi Caro was a great teacher of jewish law, teaching many students and disciples and sold spices to make a living.

Because Beit Yosef was expansive, he wrote a shortened version, the Shulchan Aruch "prepared Table" or code of Jewish law which contains the final halachic dicisions.  The Shulchan Aruch is still used today as the basi of Jewish law.

Rabbi Yosef caro was also an accomplished and well known kabalist.  In his Maggid Mesharim, he records discussions that he had with an angel who advised him in his studies and conduct.  Rabbi Alkabetz testified that he was with Rabbi Caro during one of these visitations, and there is confirmation from other witnesses as well.

There is currently a Yosef Caro synagogue in Tsfas which was where he was when he was in Tsfas.

Rabbi Caro died on 13 Nissan, 5225 (1575) as he was answering a halachic question.  On the empty page his son wrote: "Here the master of blessed memory left the page blank.  He would have written the answer, but was called to the Academy on High."

(information compiled from Ascent)
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