........Hugh Thomas..........

Hugh was educated at Llandaff Church in Wales School until he was 11 years old. Then he went to Radnor Road School until he was 14. Later he went to Cardiff Technical College until he was 17, and then joined the Bennett College working from home by correspondence until he was 21. Then he joined the Post Office as a Technical Draughtsman, and remained in their employ for the whole of his working life. He transferred from Cardiff to Colchester in early 1956, and later moved to Canterbury.

As a boy he was very interested in nature, particularily birds which he drew very well. He made a large collection of eggs. He was a member of the Llandaff Cathedral Choir from a young age until the 1939 war. He joined the bellringers at Llandaff Cathedral as a teenager and carried on until the bells were silenced at the outset of war. The bellringers were well known and visited many places in the country ringing peels. As a youth he played Rugby with Glamorgan Wanderers. He was a member of the Taff Rowing Club, Llandaff and compeated in many regattas around the country. He was Captain of the Club for many years until the outbreak of war when the Club was "mothballed".

As he was in a "Reserved" occupation he did not have to join the Forces, but for several years he was a member of the Post Office's own Home Guard and was stationed at Abergaveney. He ended up as a Quartermaster's Seargent.

Before the war he was a member of Toc H.

Married at St Joseph's Church, Cardiff

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