Gauge Transformation 

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Consider the two equations for E and B

Substituting Eq. (1b) into Eq. (1a) to get

Since the curl of the expression in the bracket vanishes it follows that the quantity can be written as a scalar, which is chosen here to be -F, i.e.

However, consider the following quantities, A' and F', defined by the following transformation

Y(r, t) is an arbitrary function which has continuous second derivatives of both space and time variables.  Eq. (4) is referred to as a gauge transformation where Y(r, t) is referred to as a gauge function. Take the partial derivative of Eq. (4a) with respect to time and multiply through by 1/c, then take the gradient of Eq. (4b) to obtain, respectively

Add Eqs. (5a) and (5b) together to get

This demonstrates that E is invariant under a gauge transformation, i.e.

Therefore the electric field E can be written in terms of either A and F or A' and F' for an arbitrary function Y whose gradient is well defined. Now substitute Eq. (7) into Eq. (2), use the identity Ñ´(ÑY) = 0, to get

Therefore the transformation defined by Eq. (4) leaves both E and B unchanged. Such a property is called gauge invariance.
     Upon substituting Eq. (3) into Coulomb's Law gives


Substituting Eq. (1b), i.e. B = Ñ´A, into Ampere's Law gives

Employing the identity Ñ´(Ñ´A) = Ñ(Ñ·A) - Ñ2A in Eq. (11) results in

The potentials, A and F, have a degree of arbitrariness up until this point. An additional condition can therefore be imposed on them. This can accomplish in several ways. However there are two conditions that are useful.  Eq. (12) can be uncoupled by imposing the following condition

This condition is called the Lorenz condition. If A and F do not satisfy the Lorenz condition then a gauge transformation can be done and then demand that the new potentials, A' and F', satisfy the Lorenz condition. I.e. we demand

The task then becomes that of finding new potentials, A' and F', to satisfy this relation. Thus we substitute Eq. (4) into Eq. (14) to get

If there exists a gauge function that satisfies Eq. (16) then the new potentials, A' and F', will satisfy the Lorenz condition. Therefore the restricted Lorenz condition is

satisfies the Lorenz condition. Potentials that satisfy Eq. (25) belong to a class of gauges that are called the Lorenz gauge. Another gauge that is useful is the so-called Coulomb gauge and is the gauge for which

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