Helmholtz Theorem

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If a vector field F whose divergence Ñ·F = b(r) and curl Ñ´F = c(r) are known and entirely contained within a finite region of space then F is uniquely determined and has the value


The variables in Eq. (2) are defined as

The prime coordinates represent the source coordinates whereas the unprimed coordinates represent the field coordinates.

Proof: It can be shown that

d is the Dirac delta function defined by the following properties

Using Eq. (3) and Eq. (4b) F can be expressed as

It is important to remember that Ñ2 is defined in terms of the unprimed coordinates. As such it can be brought through the integral to the outside to yield

Using the identity -Ñ2C = Ñ(Ñ·C) - Ñ´(Ñ´C) Eq. (6a) can be written as

Define f and A as follows

In terms of f and A we can write Eq. (7) as (see comments in Appendix)

Ñ and Ñare defined and related by

It can be show that

To find f in terms of b(r’) we substitute Eq. (6b) into the definition of f (Eq. (8a) ) to obtain

F can be brought outside the divergence by using the identity

The relation Ñ·F(r’) = 0 has been employed in Eq. (13). This follows from the fact that F is a function only of the primed coordinates whereas the derivatives in the divergence are with respect to the unprimed coordinates. Eq. (13) is substituted into Eq. (12) to obtain

Substitute the identity in Eq. (13), replacing Ñ with Ñto obtain

Utilizing the divergence theorem, and substituting Ñ·F’(r’) = b(r’) into Eq. (15) we get

Since, by assumption, the source, b, is restricted to a finite region and thus can be contained entirely contained within a surface S then S and V can be chosen to be a sphere of radius r which entirely contains the source within it. The last integral on the right side of Eq. (16) remains finite. Regarding the first integral on the right; as the radius of the surface increases as r then the area of the surface increases as r2. However the integrand decreases as r3. Therefore as we let the radius go to infinity we see that the first integral vanishes. Eq. (18) then becomes

This is just the relation in Eq. (2a) that we wished to arrive at.
     To find A in terms of c(r’) we follow a very similar procedure to what we have done above. Substitute the definition of C in Eq. (6b) into the definition of A into Eq. (8b) to obtain

F can be brought outside the curl by using the identity

The last term on the right side of Eq. (19) vanishes, i.e. Ñ´F(r’) = 0. This follows from the fact that F is entirely a function of the primed coordinates whereas the derivatives in the curl are with respect to the unprimed coordinates. Substitute Eq. (19) into Eq. (18) and then employ the identity in Eq. (11) to obtain

Utilizing the identity in Eq. (19), replacing Ñ with Ñ’, Eq. (20) becomes

Applying a modified version of Gauss’s theorem Eq. (21) becomes

For reasons similar to those applied to Eq. (16) the first integral vanishes yielding the final result

This is just the relation in Eq. (2b) that we wished to arrive at. This completes the proof of the Helmholtz theorem.

Uniqueness theorem 

The solution F which satisfies Ñ·F = b(r) and Ñ´F = c(r) is unique if the sources are bounded in space and the fields vanish at sufficiently large distances from the sources.

Proof: Suppose there are two functions, F1 and F2, which satisfies Ñ·F = b(r) and Ñ´F = c(r). I.e.

Define the vector W º F1 - F2>. It follows from Eq. (24) that

Since the curl of W is zero it can be expressed as the gradient of a scalar, i.e.

It follows from Eq. (26) and Eq. (25b) that

Apply the divergence theorem to the vector D º YÑY gives

Inserting Eq. (27) reduces Eq. (28) to give

Let S be any spherical surface of radius r that encloses all sources. As r becomes large compared to the dimensions of the sources Y goes to zero as 1/ r and ÑY goes to 1/r2. Therefore YÑY goes to zero as 1/r3. Since the surface increases as r2 it follows that the surface integral on the left hand side goes to zero. Since the integrand on the right side is always positive it follows that ÑY = 0 and thus W = 0. I.e.

Therefore F as defined in Eq. (1) is unique.


It should be noted that the gradient of an arbitrary continuous function Y can be added to A and leave F unchanged. To see this make the substitutions A ® A + ÑY

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