Rotating Magnet

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In the following page we find the both the volume and surface charge distribution on a cylindrically symmetric rotating magnet such as that shown in Figure 1 below

To solve this problem we'll model the magnet as a collection of magnetic dipoles where each dipole will be modeled as a loop of current. In order to obtain an intuitive feel for the physics one can break the problem down into separate pieces for analysis and work to the desired solution. 

Charged Density on a Moving Wire

We therefore start with a long straight current carrying wire that has a charge density, r, which is zero in the “rest frame” S (the inertial frame in which the wire is not moving), herein after referred to as frame S’. We then find the charge density in a frame, S, moving with respect to the S. [1]
      First consider the charge densities in S, the rest frame of the wire. The wire is at rest lying parallel to the x-axis as shown below in Figure 2

The current is flowing in the -x direction as shown in Figure 2, which means that electrons are flowing in the +x direction. Since the wire is electrically neutral (i.e. r = 0) in S it follows that both the positive and negative charge densities are equal, i.e.,

Since the magnitude of the charge of a proton is equal to the magnitude of the charge of an electron then we can assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the "+" charges are equally spaced a distance L = L+ apart and all the "-" charges are equally spaced a distance L = L- apart as well. We can look at the “+" charges as defining the rest frame S. It then follows that the "+" charges are at rest in frame S and that the "-" charges are moving in the +x direction, with speed v (drift velocity) as measured in S. See Figure 3 below

We now transform to the frame, S', in which the “-“ charges are at rest. This is the frame moving in the +x direction with speed v. The “+” charges are now are moving in the -x direction with speed v. In S' the distance between the "+" charges will be decreased due to a Lorentz contraction by the amount

As measured in S the distance between the charges was Lorentz contracted from its proper length L0. The distance between the charges in frame S’ is now larger since there is no Lorentz contraction as there was in frame S. The two distances L- and L0 are related by the expression

These densities are illustrated Figure 4 below

Since charge is invariant it follows that charge densities transform as

where r0 is proper charge density, i.e. the density of charge as measured in the frame in which the charges are at rest (Note: this only applies when there is a frame of reference where all charges are at rest – otherwise charge densities have to be added as in the present case). Therefore the following relations hold true

The charge density in S can now be found by substituting Eq. (6) into r’ = r+ + r- and noting From Eq. (1) that r- = - r+

It is therefore seen that there is a non-zero volume charge density along the wire in the S frame but not in the rest frame S. These calculations can be found in the Feynman Lectures- V-II [1] and in A.P. French’s Special Relativity [2]

Some reflection on the above arguments will show that no change in charge densities will occur if the wire is moving perpendicular to it's length as seen in Figure 5 below

 With the above arguments we can now analyze the current loop as shown in Figure 6 below

Thus when the current loop is at rest it's uncharged. When it's moving it becomes charged as shown. Note that a current loop is magnetic dipole. Therefore a magnetic dipole at rest becomes magnetic dipole which has is similar to an electric dipole when moving! For a circular loop the charge density will be greatest on the top and bottom and it will decrease along the wire until it reaches zero at the left and right most points on the wire as indicated in Figure 7 below

Now returning back to the rotating magnet we consider the magnet as consisting of current loops as shown in Figure 8 below

As the entire assembly rotates the individual loops become charged according to the velocity of that portion of the wire. Notice that portions of the loop closer to the center move slower and therefore become less charged. The net effect is that there is a net surface charge density and net volume charge density. The exact values are calculated next.

Consider a cylindrical magnet with uniform magnetization that is rotating about its axis of symmetry. Let the axis of rotation be the z-axis as shown in Figure 1 above.
    A magnetic dipole density, M, and an electric dipole density, P, characterize the non-rotating magnet. In this problem it is assumed that the magnet is uncharged when not rotating, i.e. the total charge is zero, and therefore P = 0 on the entire surface. According to the law of conservation of charge the total charge on the magnet must remain zero at all times. Our aim is to find M' and P' when the magnet is rotating. It can be shown using Einstein's special theory of relativity; a pure magnetization M in one frame is a combination of P and M in another frame. This holds true even when the material is moving such that all parts have v << c  (The dipoles are treated as moving un-accelerated in the direction tangent to its path. It is assumed that the dipole moments, M' and P', are not function functions of the dipole’s acceleration).
    Such is true with any cylindrically symmetric rotating magnet. An electric field is generated from this polarization since the polarization gives rise to volume and surface charge densities. The volume and surface charge densities are given respectively by

n is a unit vector which is normal to the surface. The parallel and perpendicular components of P' are [4]

Note: “r” is the perpendicular distance from the point of interest to the z-axis. M0 = constant inside magnet, vanishes outside. All parts of magnet moving at v << c  Ž g = [1 – (v/c)2]–1/2 << 1.


To find the volume and surface charge densities we employ Eq. (8a) above.

On the side surface of the magnet r = R and n = er. The only non-vanishing contribution comes from the side surface. Therefore set r = R and n = er and use Eq. (8b) above to get

Total volume charge: QV

Total surface charge: QS

Total charge: QT = QV + QS

This is a satisfactory result since we assumed that the total charge, i.e. surface charge on the magnets surface and volume charge with the volume of the magnet, must remain zero per the law of conservation of charge.  These charge distributions are shown in the Figure 8 below. The figure on the left just shows the rotating magnet while the figure on the right just shows the surface and volume charges .

Applications in Astrophysics - Neutron Star

Suppose we used a sphere instead of the cylinder. Then the r will still be constant but s will vary as sin2 q where w is the angle measured from the z-axis as shown in the diagram below, i.e. Figure 9. Therefore s will be maximum where q = p/2 vanish where q = 0 and p etc. The magnetic fields generated by Neutron stars are extremely strong. Assuming a uniform magnetization it is thus seen that a rotating neutron star will have a charge density as shown Figure 9 below


[1] The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Volume II, Feynman, Leighton and Sands, Addison Wesley, 1977, pages 13-7 to 13-12.
[2] Special Relativity, A.P. French, W.W. Norton and Co. (1968), page 259.
[3] Classical Electrodynamics – Second Ed., Hans C. Ohanian, Infinity Science Press, (2007), page 118.
[4] Classical Electromagnetic Theory, Jack Vanderlinde, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1993), page 306.

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