Q & A with Gas
taken from Heartagram.com

What inspired you to become a musician?
My dad used to play the accordion and my mom used to sing when I was a kid. So we always had music in the house when I was growing up. I got my first Instruments (a small toy drum kit, a guitar and a small toy piano) in the age of 3 as Christmas presents. KISS was the band that really got me into music back in �77. I remember hanging out at my friend Harris place. He had a big brother who was in to heavy metal. And we went through his record collection and picked up a Kiss record called Destroyer. We thought that the cover looked really damn cool (the band standing on top of a mountain with the make-ups and all) so we got hooked in to that. We even played a KISS playback show (playing to a cassette) with Harri in the kinder garden, with the make-ups on. I remember me being Gene Simmons and Harri Paul Stanley. That made me realize that I wanted to be a musician.
What made you play the drums and when did you start?
My dad used to play the accordion in a band (around�77). And I always went with him to the rehearsals. I really loved the sound of the drums and got interested in the instrument. I remember asking the drummer (during their cigarette break) if he would let me play his drum kit. And he was kind enough to let me do that (I feel really sorry for his ears J). So during the next practice I was counting seconds and waiting for the break. He later on became my first drum teacher.
Are there other instruments you can play?
Yes indeed. I used to play guitar for many years, I even recorded one album with my old Thrash-metal band Dementia years ago. I did the vocals in that band as well (if you could call that singing, heh,heh). And I can play bass guitar too, but that is really not my strongest instrument.
Does the fact that you are left-handed have any effects on the way you play? - Sylvie
Yes I think so. Because I play with a right-handed setup, I have a more open style (compared to all right-handed guys who play with their hands crossed), if you know what I mean. I think that helps, because I don�t have anything hanging between my hi-hat hand and the snare, heh J. I think that I can hit them suckers a little bit harder this way. One strange fact about my style is that I �lead� with my right foot, except for double bass drum patterns I start with my left?!!!. It�s funny, but it works.
Who are your drumming inspirations and who is the greatest drummer in your opinion?
Mr. Dave Lombardo (Slayer). When I first got into Slayer around �83, I was still playing both drums and guitar. But when I heard him play on Show no mercy. I went like � what the fuck is this guy doing? I�ve never experienced anything like this before� because he�d came up with something that was totally new and fresh at that time. So I started to concentrate more on drums, just to learn more.
Who are your top 5 drummers? - Slava, Moscow
A very good question, because there are so many great drummers around. But I have to mention some guys that have inspired me. But it�s hard to put them in a specific order (part from Mr. Lombardo J), so I won�t.
- Dave Lombardo (he�s Good) a drummer with a unique style and a killer groove. All Thrash-, Speed-, Black-, and Death metal drummers have probably listened to this guy, at some point. And If you (drummer)don�t admit this, you are a liar!!!!!. I�ve met him a couple of times. And I have to say, that he�s a really nice guy, a true gentleman I�d say.
- Gene Hoglan (Dark Angel, Death etc.) He�s one crazy motherf�.r One of the first really fast metal drummers. His style is so bizarre. It�s always a blast to listen to his recordings. And he�s an outstanding songwriter too.
- Mickey Dee (King Diamond, Dokken, Motorhead) I was blown away when I heard him play with King Diamond. The drum parts he played on an album called �Them� are outstanding. You have to check that album out if you are a metal drummer!
- Ian Paice (Deep Purple) just listen to any Purple album and you�ll know.
- John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) Ville and Mige got me into this guy lately. I�ve never really realized how good he actually was, until now. He�s one of the greatest drummers of all time, and a big influence for many drummers, for sure. And he always had a killer drum sound. (R.I.P.)
-Twist Twist Erkinharju (Peer G�nt, Leningrad Cowboys) I saw him play live for the first time with G�nt as a teenager. And I was totally blown away. I had to go to the rehearsal room (after the show) and beat the shit out of the skins. I felt I was such a shitty drummer, so I had to start practicing for real. He was the biggest influence in that sense, I guess. He�s like a bullet train, really solid. And you know, after years of practice I still get the same feeling when I watch him play live. It�s funny, I�m still not �worthy� J. He�s the best rock drummer in the world.
- Anssi Nyk�nen (Nylon Beat, session drummer) I have a pretty much the same feeling for this guy as for Twist Twist. There is a saying among producers in Finland � usually a drummer is just playing what ever he�s capable of, but Anssi plays whatever he�s told to�. A brilliant all around drummer, with a super groove!
Who is your favorite musician? - Atanaska Cholakova
Gee, I wonder who that could be?J But as for guitar players, I have to say. Yngwie J. Malmsteen and Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple) I just love their sound. It�s amazing how these guys can make a note sing. Many of you wonder why Yngwie? It�s true that he�s playing too much at times. But his style is unique. He invented something totally new. I just love his slow solos, they are so beautiful. I also admire James Hetfield (Metallica) and Scott Ian (Anthrax/ S.O.D.) for their rhythm guitar work, they kick ass! But my # 1 guitar hero is Mr. Lazer. This guy is one louder!
How many extra drumsticks do you have and how many do you usually break during a gig? - Moa the Ander
I break a lot sticks during shows, around 3-4 pairs. So I have to carry a big stock with me. The guys from Vic Firth Sticks are kind enough to provide me my sticks, so I�m lucky. They even print the Heartagram on them. It�s so nice of them J.
Do you use some electronic gear like ProTools during studio recordings or on live performances? Or just drum setup without any loops and plug-ins for processing and effects - Slava, Moskow
For live situations we only use a basic setup. It�s just my kit and a set of Shure microphones. That�s it, no triggers or samples. In the studio we record the whole damn thing into a Pro Tools. It makes the whole process faster. Let�s say, if you�d make a mistake, but the rest of the track would be super great. You�d only have to redo that one small part to get an excellent take. Practical, isn�t it. Rather than the old way, when you would perhaps record for ages to get it done. Just to realize in the end, that you�ve lost something of that feeling and spirit you had in those first 2 takes.
Drummers are considered to be brainless musicians and their contributions to a band is not always appreciated, what are your thoughts about that? - Dimitra, Greece
" Are they? Here in Finland it�s always the poor bass player who gets the honor of being the retard. We always tell jokes about bass players over here. So I guess I�m safe if I stay here in Suomi.J No seriously, let me put it this way. After all it�s the drums and bass that gives the rhythm to the music. And that in other hand makes your body and soul shake and dance to a song. (�Witch�) is nice, I think?
What have you decorated your drums with? - Vladimir, Russia
Mr. McFuck our drum tech is constantly decorating my drums with underwear that fans are throwing on stage during shows. That makes me wonder, because I�ve noticed his almost hysterical interest in bras and female clothing! Hmmmm?
Did you play in any other bands before HIM? What were they? - Razi, Hungary
Yes in fact, I did. And to tell you the truth, I have lost count of them. But you can find a list of all recordings I did in the past on the Heartagram site under my bio. I formed my first band �79 with a cousin of mine Kari, and a guy called Harri M�nty, who�s now with Sweden�s pop/rock heroes Kent. And after that I went through a lot of bands, playing hardcore punk and metal. Playing both guitar and drums. Until I met a bunch of guys in early 90�s to form Kyyria. The biggest band I�ve played in before I joined HIM.
What do you remember about your times with Kyyria? - Kristina Maschat
Nice to hear, that someone actually knows the band. Well what can I say, I spent 7 years of my life in the band. And to my mind, it was the most taught full time of my early musical career. I learned a lot about writing and performing music those days. It was a period I had to go through to get to this point as a musician. I practiced a lot by my self those days. We wrote and recorded 3 great records. One in Hagen, Germany, one in San Francisco and one in good old Helsinki. And did a couple of small tours in Germany and Finland. In I would say in slightly smaller venues than we do now with HIM J. But it was great fun! And I have to say that the learning process still continues in this band. I�ve had the privilege to play with so many wonderful and talented musicians through out the years. Same goes for these fine gentlemen I�m honored to work and play with at the moment. I�ve been lucky!
Why is your name Gas Lipstick?
That�s an old story. We had an idea about forming a Glam rock band (just for laughs)with the Kyyria lads. And at a party we came up with the most ridiculous artist names. And Gas Lipstick sounded so funny that I decided to use it on one Kyyria record. And some how I�ve ended up dragging that name along with me through all these years.
What music do you listen to? - Paranoyd, Budapest
I think that my music taste is really bizarre. I�m into hardcore punk, metal, country etc. My record collection is quite strange. From Napalm Death to Garth Brooks?!! I love Garth. I�ve got 3of his records. Great music for a certain mood.
What�s your favorite record and which is your favorite band? - Daniel Schuster
My top 3 albums are Discharge: Hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing Discharge: Why? Slayer: Reign in blood Ones again, impossible to tell in witch order (it depends on the day)
I know you are a big Slayer fan and if you could cover any of their songs, which one would it be? - Eric, Toronto
It�s funny you asked, because we played a Slayer cover show with my former band Dementia. With me singing and playing guitar. Man, that was a long time ago (around �92). I remember that we played 12-15 songs, including classics such as Die by the sword, The Antichrist, Chemical warfare, Hell awaits, Hardening of the arteries, Angel of death, South of heaven etc. To be honest I really don�t think that a Slayer cover would fit HIM, even if I would love to do one. But you�ll never know, maybe the guys agree to play Seasons in the abyss on my 40th birthday after party?
What are some songs that you can never get sick of? - Buddha Cognac, Canada
All Slayer and Discharge song basically. I�ve have been listening to those songs for 20 years, and still can�t get enough.
If you could set up the setlist for a gig, which 3 songs would definitely be on it? - Heavenly
Your sweet six, six, six Right here in my arms Heartache every moment
What was the last album that you bought? - Daniela, Bulgaria
I think it was the Audioslave album, and that�s an excellent one.
What other band beside HIM would you play for? - DummeApe
None, because I�m totally happy with the one I�m in. But if I were offered to do a Discharge tour during a break with HIM, I would consider it. Slayer no way, because Dave�s boots are too big to fill. And I wouldn�t be able to do most of their songs anyway technically. The fast double bass drum parts are too crazy.
If you had your own band. Who would you most like to be in it, and what instruments would they play? - Tim, Essex
I�m writing songs for a project at the moment. And I�ve talked to some interesting musicians about it, and they seem to be excited. But I can�t give away anything yet.
Which Finnish bands do you like? - Lynda
Amorphis, Impaled Nazarene, Children of Bodom, Stratovarius, Thunderstone, Sielun Veljet, Sentenced, Trio Niskalaukaus.....+ a lot of old hardcore punk Riistetyt, Kaaos, Kansan Uutiset, Mellakka, Poikkeustila, Takuu, Marionetti, Protesti, Bastards just to mention a few. But do you know Popeda?!!!
What are the side projects that you did?
At the moment I have 2 bands. Bendover: Ali (vocals/bass), Mehtis (guitar) and me on drums. The music is something close to Motorhead, �Wolverine blues� era Entombed and Pro-Pain. So it�s really heavy shit we are talking about. And if the music is heavy, so are the guys. There is a weight limit of 100 kg in the band. We are planning to record a 4-track CD in March. No release date confirmed yet, because we are still shopping for a record deal. We played a couple of really nice shows in January. The last one was 4 weeks ago, supporting Soulfly at Tavastia. I have to thank Max & co for having us.J The other one is a hardcore punk band called ��ritila. I formed that one with two of my old friends from my hometown Eskilstuna, Jallo (guitar) and Jocke (bass). The singer Lazze (Lateri) is a true legend in the punk scene worldwide. The singer of Riistetyt. It�s an honor to have him with us. Because I�ve been listening to that band ever since I was a kid (early 80�s). I even remember having pictures and posters of them hanging on my wall. It�s amazing to share a band with this guy. I would�ve never imagined this back then.J So far we�ve recorded an EP 7� (release date mid March) and an LP (CD and vinyl, release date late May).
What was the best gig you have ever seen? - Evi
This is getting boring! Slayer, Solnahallen, Stockholm. That was back in 1990. The support acts weren�t bad either. Suicidal Tendencies, Testament and Megadeth. That was a classic show.
Did you ever write a song?
Yes in fact, I used to be the main songwriter or at least one of them in all of those previous bands I was in. Wonder why we never made it?J HIM is my first band in witch I haven�t contributing anything on the song writing. Ville is a genius as a songwriter, so I feel that my ideas are not needed. His work is outstanding, far beyond anything I could ever imagine to write.
Have you ever tried to sing in a band? - Marianna
Yes, like I told you earlier. But I don�t know if you really can call that singing? My dad always told me that I sounded like a wounded pig! So I guess that pretty much tells the story, doesn�t it.J
How did you get into the band HIM? - Razi, Hungary
I got a phone call from Ville. He told me that they�ve parted ways with their drummer and needed someone to step in and do the remaining German tour dates. I thought that what the hell, why not. I didn�t have a band at the time, because we had split up with Kyyria a couple of months earlier. And I really loved their first album. It�s funny because I was thinking of moving abroad to Stockholm, London or L.A. in search for a band. Because all good bands over here already had a drummer. And I didn�t want to start it from the scratch again. Maybe this was Karma or not. But eventually I found myself on a flight to Germany a couple of months later. We played the shows and had a lot fun during the tour. I was really enjoying my self. I remember that at some point during the last show (10.04.99 M�nchen, Backstage club) Ville announced the audience �We have a new drummer in the band, his name is Gas Lipstick� I went like �whaaat! You are kidding me! I couldn�t believe it. And here we are.
What is your favorite HIM song and which song do you enjoy most playing and why?
That�s a tough one. It�s hard to pick one. It�s like if you�d have children of your own and you would have to pick the favorite, it�s impossible. But my favorite live song is Right here in my arms, because I get to do a drum solo in the middle part! No, just kidding. I really like the melodies and the energy in that one. But I can�t wait to get on the road to do the new songs, because there are some really killer live songs on the new record.
How was your first HIM gig? - Kirpich, Moscow
It was great. The show was in Dortmund, Germany. I remember that I went apeshit before the show, I was really nervous. But it went well, thank God.
Which gig did you enjoy the most and why? - Lynda
It must be the one at the Backstage club in M�nchen �99. Because it was my first show in the band as a fulltime member, that was a special moment.
How would you describe the other band members? - Siri
I pretty much agree with Burton and Mige. I don�t have anything to ad.
Are the guys still doing tricks to your drums before the gigs? What has been the worst trick they�ve done? - Sipe
I�m not sure? They might drop a little golden shower on them ones in a while. But I wouldn�t know, would I?
What�s the wildest thing a fan has ever done to you or the band?. - Erin, USA
The worst thing happened to Ville in Hamburg. He was enjoying his drink in the bar one night, and suddenly this crazy totally wasted Polish girl storms in with a pair of scissors in her hand. She cuts a piece of his hair and starts to laugh hysterically. I mean that was scary, anything could have happened. She�s a crazy stalker, who ought to be put inside somewhere and fast. For her own good.
What do you think of Ville as a drummer? - Lovemetalqueen, Finland
I think that he�s good. He�s got a good groove and he plays really tasty drum parts. Although I think that he could hit them suckers a little bit harder though.
How do you feel with the comments made from Mig� about your penis? - Nick, USA
I don�t know what it is about Mige and his penis. He always talks about his penis (I mean, we are talking 20-1000000 times a day for crying out loud!). Maybe he�s got a problem with his salami. I�m fine with mine.
If you could change one thing about your band what would it be and why? - Tammi Bordelon
I would swap places with Ville. Because after all I�m the pretty boy in the band!J
How do you spend your time on the tour bus?
I normally watch movies, listen to music and or play video games, that�s about it. Burton and Mige are into chess.
What do you feel about Synnin Viem��, do you think the book covers up all the importance in the HIM history so far? - Amelia
Yes, I think so. I really believe that Synnin Viem�� is a good and honest biography of the band.
Who came up with the idea of making such a book? - Amelia
I don�t have a clue to be honest?
Was this written mostly to put an end on some speculation and explain some things, just because it is somehow better to have a book than some confuse interviews spread in numerous magazines? - Amelia
Yes, I believe that�s one of the reasons.
What do you see HIM doing in the next 5 years? - Mike, California
I truly hope that we are still alive and kicking.
Are you afraid of losing your mind because of success and fame? - Maiju, Finland
So far the only thing that I�ve lost is my long time ex-girlfriend. Bur part from that I think that I�ll be OK.
What is the meaning of love metal in your interpretation? - Dana, Latvia
To me those are just to words to describe our music style with. There�s no deeper meaning for me in there.
Do you play ice hockey or do you prefer to watch it on TV or in a stadium? - Clyde
Yes I do. We are teammates with Burton (Team Korak). It�s a rock�n roll team. All the players are musicians or roadcrew members. That�s just something we like to do for fun. We don�t even practice regularly, just a few times before a game. I like to watch hockey on TV whenever I�m at home. And I go to games with friends when possible. I�ve been over to America with a friend to watch games, in Pittsburgh, New York and Anaheim. That was an awesome trip.
When and where did you play it for the last time and what is your position in the team? - Slava, Moscow
We played a tournament in January and won the whole damn thing. That was really cool but tough (4 games during a day!). I play right defense and Burton right wing.
Which is your favorite hockey club? - Shamanka, Slovakia
In Finland it�s Tappara, Fr�lunda Indians (V�stra Fr�lunda) in Sweden and in the NHL Pittsburgh Penguins. I have a couple of friends playing over seas, so I kinda hold my thumbs up for them as well.
Who's your ice-hockey idol?
Number 66, Mario Lemieux.
What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? - Tina, Slovenia
Can�t remember to be honest.
What�s the very first thing you do when you wake up? - Romina, Croatia
I make coffee.
What�s the strangest thing you have ever bought? - Romina, Croatia
A remote controlled fart machine. I don�t know if that�s a strange thing but it�s for sure as hell funny.
What makes you smile at all times? - Ana Rita Pereira, Portugal
When I get to play drums, which is everything for me.
Who do you think you were in your previous life? - Valentine
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Tell us your weirdest dream. When was it and what it was about? - Nick, USA
Who is your favorite character from history? - Ingrid, Estonia
Billy the Kid.
What would you bring with yourself to a desert island? If you could bring only just one person who would you take there? - Razi, Hungary
A pack of matches. A very dear friend of my. I met her last summer. She�s such a sweet and adorable person, a true angel walking on the face of earth. I�ve never met a girl with a heart big as hers. A perfect �10� woman.
If you'd find out that you'd die tomorrow, what would you do today? - Elina
I�d probably throw a party for my very best friends, so that I could thank them for everything and get wasted.
Did you make any promises for the year 2003? If so, what did you promise? - Maiju, Finland
No I didn�t, I�m afraid.
What's your favorite lie? - Lilian, Germany
I don�t lie, because that�s impolite.
What makes you angry? - Daniela, Bulgaria
If I wake up in the morning and find out that I�ve ran out of coffee milk.
Do you believe in destiny? Everything happens for a reason... - Joker
Yes I do, for sure.
If you could make one wish, what would it be? - Milena Gramatikova
I�d end all wars.
With which animal do you identify yourself and why? - Sonja Koppler
The lonely wolf.
Where do you see yourself in 20 years? - BloodySoul
Hopefully playing music. I think that you can�t get away from it because it�s in your blood. It�s like a drug, you see.
How does a girl attract your attention? - Joker
With an adorable smile and a look that could melt all of the ice on the North Pole.
What is the best thing in a Finnish woman? - Tiia, Finland
I really don�t think that you can separate women by their nationalities. I think that all women are adorable no matter where they come from.
What is the first thing you notice in people? - BloodySoul
The eyes.
Who is your idol?
My dad.
What do you do in your spare time?
Watch movies and hang out with my friend, just the normal stuff.
Apart from being a drummer, do you have another profession? - Geo, Luxembourg
Yes I have, I used to be a construction worker.
What are the best three movies ever made? - Ingrid, Estonia
Scarface, Godfather 1, Godfather 2
What kind of books do you like to read and which are your favorite writers? - Poison
I normally don�t like to read books. I read a book perhaps ones a year.
What was the last book you read?
It was the new M�tley Cr�e book
If you were to describe yourself as one of the �seitsem�n veljesta�, which one would you be? - Siri
Oh my god, I read that book in school 20 years ago. I don�t remember anything about these brothers, not even their names. I guess Timo then.
How would you describe your childhood? - Teresa Alexandra
I had a normal childhood. Living in a working class family. I was the only child. But would�ve liked to have a brother or a sister. I remember asking my parents if I could have one as a birthday present. But I never got one unfortunately.
When you were a child, who was your role model?
My old man. He taught me a lot about life.
How old were you when you moved from Sweden to Finland, and why did you do that? - Ihni
In the age of 13. My parents were originally from Finland. But they moved to Sweden in mid 60�s because of work (as many Finns did at that time). They met each other there and got married and got me. In early 80�s they wanted to move back to Finland and I had to follow. That�s basically the story.
Do you think in Swedish or in Finnish? Which one is your main language? - Julia, Finland
It depends on what language I�m speaking at the time. Now for instance while answering these questions, I think in English.
What place in Finland do you like the most? - Dona Vittu
Pello in Lapland, Finland. My parents have a summer cottage there. It�s near by a lake. That�s the place I go to when I need to relax, that�s my sanctuary.
What's your favorite way to travel? - Ihni
I like to travel by car. I always drive when I go up North to Pello.
Do you prefer to spend your holiday in Finland or abroad? - Vladimir, Russia
Well it depends. If it�s summer time I definitely stay here, because Finland is really beautiful during that time of the year. But otherwise I head abroad.
What is the most interesting place that you have ever been to? - Atanaska Cholakova
The Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh (home arena of the Penguins). The Mecca.
What place of the world would you pick as your second home? - Ingrid, Estonia
My hometown Eskilstuna in Sweden. Where I was born.
Which is your favorite place (city/country) that you've been to? Why? - Maja, Croatia
I like New York. I really like the vibe of that city. But I�m not sure if I would love to live there permanently. But it�s a lovely city for traveling.
Do you cook?
Yes I do. I really like to cook, it�s very relaxing. I�m not excellent at it, but I�m learning more all the time. I�m trying out new recipes, just to explore. I normally cook Thai and Italian dishes at home.
What is your favorite kind of food?
I like Japanese, Thai, Indic and Italian food.
What is your favorite typical Finnish food? - Anais, Belgium
Lohikeitto (salmon soup). It�s a very traditional Finnish soup with potato, vegetables and poultry of milk or cream in it.
What is your diet?
I eat a little bit less and healthier and move a little bit more. And I quit all those Hamburgers, Pizzas, Potato chips, Popcorns and Cokes. I think that all these �quick� diets are crap. I think that the only way to do it is by changing your life style.
Which alcoholic drink would you suggest to an alcohol-loving Scandinavian like me? - Lucee, Denmark
Well, my favorites are Beer, Vodka, and Minttu viina (a Finnish Menthe Liquor).
Tell us about your tattoos. Do you plan to get new ones if so, where and what will they represent?
I�ve got 2 of them, one Heartagram on the outside of my left leg. And a Chinese sign (drum) on the inside of my left arm. I�m planning to ad another Chinese sign (love) on the inside of my right hand. Love/drum, you see. That is a very personal thing for me since I�ve been playing for almost 20 years.
What is the best way to relax?
To go to a Sauna (the old Finnish way)
What is the biggest challenge? - Ingrid, Estonia
To stay alive, as long as possible
Describe yourself in 3 words. - Korana
Kind, thoughtful and honest
Which has been the most unforgettable adventure or event in your life? - Dana, Latvia
I�ve been to Jakutsk, Siberia with my former punk band Valvontakomissio. We performed on a Peace & Love festival. That was really something special. Despite the fact that the local people are poor and modest and live under extremely heavy conditions (weather etc.), they enjoy their lives and seem to be in a total harmony with their selves. Really warm hearted and kind people. I think that I learned a lot from that trip.
What is your principle of life? - Vladimir, Russia
Treat a person the way that you would like him/her to treat you
The Pivot questionnaire: What's your favorite word?
What's the word you hate?
What's the sound you love?
Mige�s fart
What's the noise you hate?
The sound of broken glass
What turns you on?
I refuse to tell you.
What turns you off?
Too much alcohol J
What's your favorite curse word?
Who would be the woman or the man you'd choose to illustrate a new bank note?
T.T. �Da Hobbbbit� Oksala.
What's the job you wouldn't have liked to have?
A Secretary.
What's the plant, the tree or the animal you would have liked to be reincarnated in?
A bird.
Imagine God exists, what would you wish he would tell you after you died?
Sorry bro, no vacancy. Come back next year! J

Interview by Sandra M.
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