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(by Maiju)

So let�s start from the very beginning... On Friday morning I had to get up 5am and then we went with my sister to railway station and our train was there already, you can only guess how tired I was after sleeping only 4 hours that night before Friday *puh* but naturally it didn�t matter cause I was so excited! Finally 6.15am our train to Tampere left from Kuopio and I was listening HIM with my discman (of course).
I think I didn�t understand so well even then that I�m going to see my loving band on today but I think it was cause I was so tired�Of course I tried to sleep on the train but you know I didn�t! Finally 9.40am or so our train was in Tampere and I & Miia went to find �Ratina� the place where that Tammerfest should be. And we found it after a while. There was already something like 20 people (girls of course:D ) and I became pretty nervous cause I was thinking there won�t be no changes for me to get into first row� I knew Vicky & Sarah were some of those girls but I couldn�t realise who were they�but then, somehow I started to look at 2 girls who looked just like Vicky & Sarah and then Vicky turned around and was looking at me too and then she started to walk to me and I stared to walk to her, it was really really weird situation (believe me!) hehe, then she asked �Maiju?� and I asked �Vicky?� :P Hihi, it was really cool that we met them already then�We were talking with them sometime and then we (I & my sis(Miia) went away from Ratina� We were spending 2-3 hours for walking around, eating and stuff like that and then somewhere before 13pm we went to our hotel, but we didn�t get our hotel room yet so we went to toilet to prepare ourselves, or actually I was the only one who were doing some stuff there cause Miia was going to only �take� me back to Ratina and then go back to hotel and come to Ratina in the evening, before 69 Eyes. So I was dressing and doing little make-up and I realised my hands were shaking! Gosh, I was really really nervous cause I knew that THE MOMENT was closer *insane*

Then finally somewhere 13.20pm or so I was back to Ratina and there were more people then. You can�t understand how lucky I was cause I & Miia walked where Sarah & Vicky were and then we talked sometime and I asked can I sit there and it wasn�t no problem for them, so then I sat there and Miia leave us after sometime�
It was really weird that no one weren�t angry for me even I just went to where Vicky & Sarah were� huh! I must�ve been the luckiest girl there. Seriously! Cause sometime after 2 girls were trying to go to place where they friends were and it didn�t work, security man came and told them to go away there! Huh! We were really having nice time with V & S� We were talking a lot of bullshit, well of course :D And everything was just great! Of course we all were excited of seeing HIM, and also seeing The 69 Eyes. But at least I was more excited of seeing HIM than 69 Eyes. We also talked to 2 girls from Austria (dammit, I can�t remember their names ;( ) At first we were sitting there but when HIM were doing their Sound check we started to stand, like everyone else!
And we were standing and standing� waiting doors to be open! It was so shity that we had to gave our bags away, and we couldn�t get in my water bottle cause it was open  Well we just didn�t care stuff like that! I had my handy, money & one-use camera with me�That was all I needed!

Finally 15 minutes of 15pm or something like that (I�m not sure!) doors opened and of course everyone were acting like nuts! We too  hehe. We gave our tickets to security man and then we ran as fast as we could to close to the stage and it was amazing! There was still space for us left in a first row, close to Mig�  We were so happy about that but of course we knew it�s gonna be pretty hard to stay in the same place especially when HIM will start to play cause everyone gonna be nuts then! We were really thirsty and so, the first band called �Pornorphans� or something like that started to play but in my opinion it just sucked! I didn�t like them at all and the singer woman was dressed like a bitch. Yeaha. Perhaps some men liked it but not me or V & S. After that band we were more thirsty so we asked if security man can give us some water to drink, and he gave  *happy* I actually sent sms to Miia to come there and give us some water. And then Miia answered for my sms saying � Maiju Ville is in our hotel, someone is interviewing him� And I was like �OH MY GOD!� Of course I sent her sms asking to ask Ville�s autograph or so, but unfortunately Miia was already coming to Ratina�Well I wasn�t so sad about that cause hell, I was standing in a first row! But imagine, Ville in OUR hotel. Huhu.

Somewhere 17.00 The 69 Eyes started to play and I have to admit I liked them pretty much, yeah  I was kinda surprised how I knew lyrics of their songs and so. I�m having their 3 newest records but somehow I though I wouldn�t know the lyrics�well I was wrong! Huhu, Jyrki69 was acting sooo� erm.. How should I say it? I don�t know but he was looking at us (Me & V & S) sometime really close and pointing us and huhu. Jussi69 was just insane! Believe me, I think he was a �bit� of drunk cause Miia said his drummer sticks weren�t all the time in his hands *g* Oh they were playing songs like Wasting the dawn, Gothic Girl, Dance D�amour, Don�t turn your back on fear, Grey, Betty Blue, Brandon Lee, The Chair, Sleeping With Lions, Framed in blood, Crashing high, Still waters run deep�I can�t remember did they play something else (sorry!) They were actually acting pretty funny :D And yes, the gig was nice too. At the end of gig Jussi came close to us and spill beer bottle to his skin. (He was without a shirt) and then he threw his drummer sticks to crowd� Sarah got one part of another drummer stick :D Do I have to tell you she IS Jussi freak? *grins*

Again we had to wait 45 minutes (Just like before 69 Eyes) when the next band came, it was Finnish band too called �Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus� and some people really got mad while they were playing, Myself I didn�t like it almost at all�I was just trying to keep my place (It was pretty hard cause some people were already pushing! ) and I was thinking �Soon I will see MY HIM!!!� Even my legs were hurting already then and I wasn�t feeling great I was just thinking about seeing HIM! I really didn�t listen them much cause I don�t like them� only few songs. I was glad when they finally left the stage! YES! And then I knew soon HIM will come and of course everyone started to push and push and push! I was swearing a lot at that moment cause I was feeling really bad! I�m not the world�s biggest people so I didn�t feel well. But even I was sure my bones gonna break really soon and I will faint or something I didn�t let go off my place ! No way! I heard that some people behind my back were saying something like �They won�t have power to be in first row blablabla� Gosh! And I actually got more power for that, so thanks for the people who said that! HAHA! I really didn�t have space to move but it didn�t matter!

The moment I had been waiting for many months was there! My loving HIM came to stage 20.30pm!!!! *YELLLLLL* And I was from the very beginning in my own HIM world! I didn�t care about pushing people anymore, I didn�t care even my stomach & legs were hurting� All I cared was HIM! GOSH! I was in the first row, Mig� was really close to me�just like in Kuopio *grins* Ville wasn�t far away from me either  I was able to see them all pretty well. They started with Stigmata Diaboli and then came Heartache Every Moment� and I think the next song was Your Sweet 666 but I�m not sure about that ;( Actually I�m just sure about those 2 first songs ;( Me and my memory! But anyways, they were really really great shape! Playing songs so great touch and Ville, do I have to say how great he was singing? DO I??? He was singing SO FUCKING WELL! I mean he really was! Here�s songs they played, but unfortunately not in the right order ;�(

Stigmata Diaboli
Heartache Every Moment
Your Sweet 666
Poison Girl
For You
Right Here In My Arms
It�s All Tears (Drown In This Love)
Wicked Game
In Joy And Sorrow
Please Don�t Let It Go
Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
When Love And Death Embrace
Join Me In Death
Hand Of Doom (Great Black Sabbath cover!)

About what they wore, Ville was wearing black pants (with those pockets), Iggy pop shirt (black one) and black jacket. And you know what! Ville wasn�t wearing any make-up and I think it was so great! I mean he was just looking amazing in my opinion� his new hairstyle was more than great! If I wouldn�t know his real age I would say he�s something like 20 or so! Seriously!
Mig� was wearing pants where was orange on the backside and I think something blue on the front side..and he was wearing Iggy Pop t-shirt aswell :D
Linde was wearing light green pants and light blue t-shirt /top. He was so thin in my opinion, but so was Ville!
Burton was wearing that kind of white transparent shirt and jeans�oh yeah, and of course his cowboy hat :P
Gas was wearing some black t-shirt (sorry I�m not sure which one before I will see some pic!) and black shorts.  hihi.

About the mood of guys�man it was so great that you won�t believe it! I haven�t seen Ville smiling as much as on Tammerfest never ever! He totally was smiling almost all the time and you know what! I saw first time in my life Linde smiling! YEAHA! ) Gas was of course again so funny! I mean in a good way, and Burton was in his own world I think :D At least I think so cause he made some mistake (which I didn�t realise but Ville did) and Ville was looking at him like �WHAT DID YOU DO?� (but not in a bad way :D ) and Burton didn�t realise anything :P heehhe. Mig� was smiling too, but most of time he was in his own world aswell. I mean playing like nuts! Just like Linde and the others� Mig� had to change his bass and Ville was saying something like �Would be great if we would get bass back too� or so :P hehe.  Ville was saying to us Good evening and so on some part� Before IJAS he said something like this �On today we were talking with guys really seriously and long and we decided to start worship Satan, this next song is about that. We all worship that thing(Satan) except Linde� and then we all heard the first tunes of IN JOY AND SORROW!!! *LOL* Hahah. I was laughing pretty fucking much :P Ville was of course introducing everyone to us, but hey�why no one didn�t introduce Ville? He made a great job himself too! Hey, you know what! Ville was showing pretty much that �evil sign� you know what I mean, that thing which you do with your fingers! ;D It was so cool cause I think it has been long time when he did that before this�*lol* but you know, they are now worshipping Satan, so of course! *ggg* When it was �RHIMA� Ville said that song is dedicated (he had to ask from Mig� �What was her name?� ) for Marita Taavitsainen. hah, that woman is singing that kind of music for adults, I mean that kind of music which old people are dancing plaplapla�I think Ville don�t like her much :P And For You was dedicated to some couple, Ville�s friends� can�t remember the names! Sorry! In Right here in my arms he said before chorus �Let�s check how you sing� and then he gave us a change to sing the chorus and I think we did it pretty well :D Or at least Ville was smiling, even laughing to us! Thanks Ville! :D Well Mig� was laughing us too! When they were playing �Bury me deep inside your heart� Ville gave us again a change to sing but no-one weren�t singing and Ville was like �Oh thank youu� hahaha :D But he was laughing and I think many people too! :P He was naturally saying thanks after many songs and so on� nice way ;D And when he got some teddy he was saying thanks aswell. Good boy.  You know, when he was singing �high� parts of songs he was touching his balls :P Well you perhaps knew that already, but I promised to tell you all..so :D haha. Btw, talking about Bury�before that song he said its name in Finnish like �Hautaa minut syv�lle syd�meesi� He said Wicked Game�s name also in Finnish like � Paha leikki� or something. After they played When love and death embrace Ville said something like � Oh it was so sweet that I almost fall asleep myself too� *loool* Girls started to scream �Ville take your shirt off� and soon everyone were yelling �Ville paita pois� Well..I have to tell you, I yelled that one time too *sooo teeenyyyy* and Ville was thinking about that! I could seen it cause I was so close to him� he was looking at other guys�like Burton and I think Burton said �you should do it� and then he said to Mig� �If you will take your shirt off I will take my shirt of aswell� but Mig� didn�t want to take his shirt off�so Ville didn�t take his shirt of either ;( *dammit* He said something like � Those beers which I drank on yesterday evening weren�t good for my Iggy Pop looking super body� *LOOOL* and then he said �Well  cause of this the next song will be Join me� (he wanted to replace that no-shirt-taking-off thing for us)  and it was really really great! I mean Join me! We were singing it pretty loud (of course) and when there was that part �wou wouuuuu� (you know) he gave us change to sing it and at that time we didn�t mess that :D hehe. He even said �oh thanks it was sweet� or something! Everyone were of course waiting to sing �This life ain�t worth living� and when that part came�everyone were singing it!It was such a great feeling�I just hope it was nice feeling for Ville & co. too  You know, they were playing �For you� and I was so happy about that cause I like that song so much�you know I wrote sms to HIM�s sms board in heartagram and asked them to play it for me in Tammerfest :D *haha* When it was Pretending Ville yelled �We are not the ones to blame� and all the crowd yelled it too! Such an amazing feeling�more than amazing! And such a songs like Bury� I admit I was close to tears cause those lyrics are so close for me somehow and when Ville was singing it�gosh! His voice was so fucking great shape! I know I said it before but I say it again cause it�s the truth! I don�t lie never and not especially now! Oh how could I forgot? Of course he let us sang in �Poison girl� that  �Poison girrllllllL� :D you know! At the beginning  Some part he was asking if everything is alright with Linde, I think he had some probs with guitar or so� but anyways  It was sooo beautiful part in Please Don�t Let It Go, when he was singing �don�t let go of life��� I mean it really was beautiful� guys were playing quiet so Ville�s voice could be heard�aaah! By the way, there was raining a bit in some parts and that made Ville to smile even more :D You know I was still in first row, people were pushing me� so what? I had only my one-use camera with me cause I wanted to enjoy that gig so I only take something like 9 photos or so, I take some pics of 69 Eyes too�Miia said she took something like 16 photos or so with her zoom camera�you may think I�m nuts cause I didn�t take photos even I was in first row but hey, I wanted to enjoy all this cause I really don�t know when I will see my darlings again and that�s making me sooo sad ;( It really is making me sad�actually I don�t wanna think about that I won�t see my guys for a long time� nooO! Then the moment I had been afraid came, the last song of the evening ;( *noo* Ville said � This song is from Black Sabbath�s paranoid record but not Paranoid but Hand of Doom, usually we are doing like Gas wants and go to away for a while to hear when people are giving their applause for us and then we come back to the stage looking really surprised but at this time we won�t do that cause I love Mig� more than �shit� (Gas :P ) and Mig� doesn�t want to make Encore�.� That cover was really great and it showed how much Ville loves Black Sabbath and other guys aswell  and erm, actually I bought �Paranoid� cause I wanted to hear what�s all about :P and now I don�t have to be so ashamed anymore cause of not knowing what�s going on. Hehe. After Hand of doom, Ville said �We all are thanking you� and he picked also with his hands to Seppo Vesterinen and co. and then suddenly he wanted to thank guys, I mean he  shake hands with mige, Linde, Burton, Gas� really funny in my opinion  You can see he�s just great. And then he said �moimoi� and left the stage�Burton throw his towel and the gig was over *snifffff* It was really really really amazing. More than amazing, and I�m sorry for those people who weren�t there cause it was more than great. Just ask from V& S or anyone :D hehehe. Well of course opinions are different but in my opinion it was just great great great gig. Everything went really nice, guys were nice mood�and you know what! Ville wasn�t smoking so much, I mean seriously! And he only drank a bit of beer� hell, perhaps he�s a new person now or something *ggg*

I have one thing left to say and that�s HIM now & forever. The gig was brilliant & atmosphere was great, guys were great mood. I was enjoying a lot. I was in first row. Gosh.

Hey, you know what Ville did say some part, after the audience gave applause? "You don't know how good this feels" *gooossssH*

Oh, yes�one last time� I wanna say huge thanks for Sarah & Vicky.

Love, Maiju the member of Insane club
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