(by Vicky)

okay..I am not good in writing reviews, cause of my bad memory...but I'll try...

I had only a 1 day ticket, cause my parents didn't want me to sleep there and blablabla...I arrived in the morning and I was somehow lucky that I didn't come for 2 days, cause the whole festival place was 1 big mudd field...Of course I missed The 69 Eyes, but I have seen them 3 weeks ago, so...I met my friends and we watched the 2nd band who played there,called Bloodflowerz...and they were really really good...then we had to decide what to do...go to the HIM signing session, or watch Oomph and have places in the 1st row...we've decided to go to the signing session...we waited for about 3 hours or so, and were one of the 1st who got an autograph...the row was very very long , and I think that only abou 1/3 of the people who were there got autograph...I took only 5 fotos but Ville and Gas looked into the camera!!!
After the signing session we went to the stage to try top get good places...we got it into the 3rd row in front of the microphone...we watched London After Midnight, who were a dissapointment for me...I like some of their songs, but they were boring live...the singer just coulnd't come through with his voice and the mood in the public wasn't good either. After came Soft Cell...well, its just not my kind of music, but I could sing along Tainted Love *g*...and then, finally HIM...

Oh my god I don't know were to start cause it was such a great gig...amazing...really...I don't know weather I liked the Tammerfest better or this one...the mood in the public was great (at least were I stood) and Ville let us sing not only "This live ain't worth living" and "Poison Giiirl" but also the refrain of RHIMA 2 times...and it was pretty damn loud!!! What disturbed me were the girls beside me...they were screaming "Viiill�������" all the time and so on...they even didn't realise that Ville was talking anything about a new song...I had to tell them to shut up first...oh yeeeees...HIM PLAYED A NEW SONG!!! It was called Soul Of Fire or Soul On Fire...I couln't understand...Its a GREAT song...melodic and rocky in the same time and just awesome...I was close to tears when they played it...not because Ville is "sooooo cuteee" or so, but because this band stood up again and started playing REALLY good songs...

The setlist was:
- Stigmata Diaboli
- Heartache Every Moment
- Your Sweet 666
- Poison Girl
- In Joy And Sorrow
- Right Here In My Arms
- It's All Tears
- Pretending
- For You
- Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart 
- Wicked Game
NEW SONG: Soul On Fire
- When Love And Death Embrace
- Join Me

...so they played 14 songs, which is okay for a festival, but still it seemed sooo short to me...Ville talked quite a lot for Germany...but I couldn't understand half of it because of shouting girls around and Ville's way of speaking  and the other half I forgot...SORRYYYYYY......He talked something about studio and that they have to rehearse and made quite a long good-bye speech during Join Me...this was really a very brilliant gig...I can't write more cause of my poor memory...but that was at least something...
my shoulder and me legs hurt like hell, but it was worth it!!!

Viiki aka Insanity aka poisoned_angel aka myrkytetty enkeli..
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