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HIM live at Tavastia, Helsinki 31.12.2002
(by Heidi)

Ok,so here I am..still in heaven after last nights wonderful experience..truly.I wish all of you could have been there,it was magical 

As I said before it was very cold here yesterday so the thought of queing outside those doors to Tavastia didnt really feel that nice..thank goodnes they were kind enough to open the doors to the hallway and also had put a small heater inside so it was a bit warmer there.
There were so many people from different countries that at one point I though am I the only Finn there but ofcourse there were others from Finland aswell;)
We got inside at 9.00pm and then we still had to wait until 10.00pm to get inside the room where the show was.I got a very nice spot in the front row at Miges side,I was so happy cause I thought I will never manage to get such a nice place  First The Skreppers came on stage at about 11.00pm,they are so funny even if I dont like that music very much I still had a good time 
Then..my stomach went totally up and down cause there were probably 1 million butterflies flying around there  We waited for a while..then,the owner of the club Juhani Merimaa came with a bottle of champagne (thanks for the shower  ) and we all counted from 10->0 and screamed Happy New Year..Then he introduced the band to come onstage wich we all had been waited for such a loooong time and finally there they stood..HIM!!!people went crazy,screaming and clapping and especially when Mr.Adorable came out     
Ville had black pants and that cute Rolling Stones t- shirt,the green scarf (he probably sleeps with it too  ) and ofcourse the musta pipo wich I Love .Honestly,I have never seen him that cute before,I thought my heart would jump out when I saw him walking to the stage      .
They started with a new song,here is the setlist in the right order (I got Gas setlist):
-Poison Girl
-Funeral Of Hearts   !!!
-Its All tears
-In Joy And Sorrow
-Razorblade Kiss    
-Join Me
-Sweet Pandemonium   !!
-Right Here In My Arms

-Bury Me deep Inside   
-Soul On Fire
-Wicked Game

About the new songs..especially Funeral Of Hearts and Sweet Pandemonium are totally wonderful..beautiful slower songs.They blew me away,honeslty,I almost cried.I knew after the Black Salem gig that the new stuff was amazing but now Im even more sure of it,the new album will be mayby the best one so far,this is my personal opinion ofcourse but when you here those 2 songs I think you will agree that they are fantastic.

Bam was there also with his girl,they were sitting on Burtons side and Bam was filming at least a couple of songs and they seemed to enjoy it a lot.There were also Hiili and some other guys from the Skreppers wathcing at the gig from the stage.There was a funny moment when Burton had some problems with his keyboard and they had to wait for a while to continue,the guys were talking to eachother and then Burton just told Ville that he should tell the audience a joke while we waited,wich he didnt;)Ville didnt talk that much but he told us that the new years gigs are already a tradition and almost goes like rutin for them so he said that actually he is listening to some totally different music from his ear plugs (or whatever they are called  ).
They seemed to enjoy playing,laughed a lot and joked with eachother.Ville and Mige seemed to have a special "connection" through the whole gig,Ville were pointing at Mige and smiling.I think Ville was very happy about how good those new songs works live and that the audience gave them such a wonderful reply after hearing them.No wonder,the new songs are super.
They also got some stuff on stage that fans through them,roses and I think it was boxers that was probably meant for Gas   or at least Ville hang them on Gas drums  .

They played Wicked Game in the very end and some songs we have heard a million times before wa splayed a bit different.I really hope someone has got a good recording of that gig!!I got my photos today and there are some pics of Ville that are so adorable,I have never got that sweet pics of him before  The pics turned out very good,I will at least scan some to The Heartless site later tonight so I can let you know when they are online,ok?

After the gig,we went to have some drinks to the bar and there sat Jussi69 with some girl.He was surrounded by fans all the time but he didnt seem to mind it,he was pretty drunk  I also saw Miges girlfriend and she is very pretty..Mige came later to the bar and also Linde with his girl and if Im not totally blind..she really is pregnant!!My friend also noticed that her belly was bigger as usual (  ),you know what I mean..how people who are pregnant looks like even if they are very thin .Gas also came out to the bar but I didnt see Ville or Burton and the others also went back to the backstage area pretty fast..there were lots of fans still in the club.Also Stefan Lindfors who will direct the next video in lapland (after 2 weeks) was there.

Well,hope you enjoyed reading this if you are still awake

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