
September 27, 2004 - Hey everyone! Did you think we had abandoned you? It's been awhile since we have had a chance to update the ol' website what with all the building of the new and improved one at However, as sad as it is, the website is not yet complete, the EP is not ready to be released, and the merch is not all in. But soon my friends, soon. P3 is playing an outdoor show on Oct. 9, 2004 in front of the Refuge. The list of bands playing the event consists of Shade, P3,Ryan Smith, The Refuge band, and The Itty-bitty Sub Committee. The show is free, so don't miss your chance to all these bands LIVE!!!

March 29, 2004 - We are still hammering away in the studio, trying to finish our EP. Things are coming along quite nicely. Its been a really busy month for all of us. We really miss seeing all you guys at the shows, and we hope to be seeing you all real soon. Also, there is a NEW WEBSITE under construction at this very moment, It will be up when the EP is released. We will keep you posted on our up and coming appearances and CD release parties. Until then, keep rockin.

February 23, 2004 - Well folks, its official. PrePaidPostage is recording their first EP. We hit the studio last Saturday in Stillwater, OK and began work on our first ever recording. It was a long day of hard work, but it was definitely an experience. I'm sure you all are wondering, "When will this album be finished?" I'm glad you asked. We are expecting to have it finished and available for sale in late April or early May. You will be able to purchase it at our shows and possibly even online (and by online we mean sending us an e-mail saying that you need some new coffee coasters -Presto's note)! We really want to thank Charlie Fox and our producers Kyle Thomas and BJ Morgan for making this EP possible. Hope to see you all at our next show. I sure wouldn't miss it (well I would hope not).

January 30, 2004- Fwew! We're all still simultaneously pumped and tired from last night at the Memorial Battle of the Bands. We'd like to personally thank every single one of you for coming out to the show, you all helped Memorial's Senior class raise $1300! We had an AWESOME time jamming it out with the other bands, and we will definately be having a follow up Battle-o-the-Bands later in the spring, but this time the proceeds will go to support the bands themselves. Pre Paid Postage is also in the process of setting up recording dates in February, so keep a look out for our brand spankin' new first album ever! Stay tuned!

January 23, 2004- If I say I'm going to keep you guys posted, oh I mean it bucko... Pre Paid Postage will be competing in a BATTLE OF THE BANDS! Oooh, that's big. The majestic battle royale will take place in Tulsa on Thursday, January 29th at Tulsa Memorial High School in the auditorium (5840 S. Hudson, in between 51st and 61st). There will be six bands competing in this galactic joust, including Carradine. The bloodfest will have the doors open at 6:45, and it'll only cost YOU, the viewer, 5 measly smackin' buckaroos at the door! Be there!

January 14, 2004- Whoa! Holy moly! It's the first news of the NEW SNAPPIN' YEAR! Wow, 2004, I'm still waiting for my flying cars. Anyways, we want to thank every single person who came out to see us play with the hilarious Sly's Alter Ego on the 10th. And thanks again to The Refuge for providing one nifty place to play at. Once again, we had one slap happy time. We are anticipating playing in a battle of the bands in late January in Tulsa, and we will keep everyone (all 3 of you guys) posted on the forthcoming madness...oooh...madness...

December 15, 2003 - Pre Paid Postage is honored to be opening for the ever fantabulous Sly's Alter Ego on Saturday, January 10th at the Refuge in Stillwater. It will be a crazy mad show and we would love to see millions...nay, billions of people there. We would especially like to thank everyone who braved the snow storm and came to our show at the Refuge on Dec. 10th. It was pure sweet goodness of a show, and we had a blast playing in the blizzard. And huge thanks to everyone working at the Refuge for allowing us to play there, you all made it an awesome evening.

November 25, 2003 - We apoligize for not updating the news in a long time, but the band has been busy. The good news is, PrePaidPostage will be headlining in Stillwater, Oklahoma at the Refuge on December 12. Opening act Ryan Smith (formly of Awaiting Isaac) will begin around 9:00 p.m., so come join us, we would be honored with your presence. The next show is expected to be on January 10, 2004, at the Regufe in Stillwater. We will hook you up with the details as soon as we can. The band is also looking at recording an EP. If all goes as planned the recording will start around the first of the year, and the CD will be out around March. If anything changes, we'll let you all know, so keep checking the news.

October 10, 2003 - PrePaidPostage will be playing in front of the OSU BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries) during the 2003 OSU Homecoming Walk-Around. Come join the other 50,000 people who attend the annual Homecoming Walk-Around and stop by to listen to the band. P3 will be playing some brand new, never been heard before, original songs as well as some praise and worship and cover songs. The event is free and we would love to see you there. In Christ name.

September 23, 2003 - We got to open for Shade last Saturday, Sept. 20th, and man, it was awesome. The sound was amazing and most important of all, God was all over the place. Our band has been very blessed by the Lord and we are so very thankful for all that he has given us. We got to meet the guys from Shade, which was very cool. They definitely have a heart and a passion for doing God's work, it was a pleasure playing with them. Thomas Audio and Production did an incredible job with the sound, I can't stress how great the quality was. We hope to see you all at our next show and even more so, we hope that you grow in your relationship with God.

September 12, 2003 - Well the rally was amazing and we hope that you all were chanllanged and changed by what God had for you. We also hope you had a great time because we had a blast. I hope everyone remembered the second anniversery of 9-11 yesterday, and I hope that seeing all those flags at half mast got you all thinking about See You At The Pole. We would really like to thank Thomas Audio & Production for bringing in the sound system and making sure we sounded good, and on a final note, remember that God isn't just a Sunday and Wednesday "thing," God deserves your worship every second of every day.

September 4, 2003 - The band hopes to see you this Wednesday evening at the Cushing High School Auditorium for the annual SYATP rally. PrePaidPostage will be rockin' the house and also leading worship for the event. James Lankford will be the speaker and OSU quarterback Josh Fields might make a guest appearance as well! The music starts a 6:45 pm so don't be late. Oh yeah, and the band would also like to give a shout out to Liberty Baptist Church in Tulsa for having us last Sunday night. It was a blast and the crowd was awesome.

August 23, 2003 - School is back in session and so is the Fall concert season. I hope you all got out to Pawnee Bill's Ranch to hear the band last Wednesday night. The heat was terrible but OSU quarterback Josh Fields, wide-receiver D'Juan Woods, and basketball star Andre Williams gave the message. The band would like to personally thank everyone who came out in the heat. Pre Paid Postage will be playing in Cushing, Oklahoma on September 10th at the annual See You At The Pole rally and we hope to see you there. Remember as you begin this school year that you may be the only window that someone has to Christ, set a good example.

July 29, 2003 - Pre-Paid-Postage will be updating their Fall schedule very soon so don't forget to check out the gig list. The band is also proud to announce its newest member, Preston White. Preston will be the bands new drummer starting this Fall and his bio information will be available as soon as possible. The band is still in the process of penciling in a date to get in the studio and record a demo.

June 26, 2003 - Prepaid Postage has been working on strengthening their originals and it has been rumored that they may be recording a demo this fall. However, no one knows whether these rumors are true. In the mean time, send the band an e-mail and let them know where you want to see them play next. Also, by sending an e-mail to the band, you are automatically put on the band's mailing list. You will be notified about upcoming shows, news, and any significant web changes.

May 18, 2003 - It was a beautiful evening in Drumright, Oklahoma last Saturday night. P3 unvailed a new original song and Mike Keahbone delivered a very heart felt message. We are sorry if you missed it. We are also sorry to say that P3 does not have any upcoming gigs to be posted at this time, but they are open to be booked for most any occassion.

May 17, 2003 - P3 will be playing a block party at the First Baptist Church in Drumright, Oklahoma. Opening acts will start at 6:00 p.m. and festivities are expected to last until 9:00 p.m. The show is free, so come out and enjoy the evening with P3.

April 25, 2003 - The guys of P3 teamed up with BJ and Kyle of Awaiting Issac to play what turned out to be a powerful FCA rally where many youth came to know the Lord.

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