Praise To God For Prison Ministries! May God Bring You Eternal Life. Praise To God For Prison Ministries! May God Bring You Eternal Life.



We are dedicated to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as we can that are Incarcerated in the Prison System. Those in the State, County or Federal Institutions. Our aim is to use Bible Studies, Visitations, Correspondence or other means that are within our reach.

We are always open to Prayerful or Financial support from those with the same desire. We are dedicated to serving God and seeing to it that those in Prison have the opportunity to know Gods word His desire for their lives.

There are many people both male and female through-out the system, that have very little, and some with no knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is my desire to get the Gospel to them, and to show to them that they are loved. We all make mistakes, and someday it might be one of yours or mine there behind those bars, We can never be too sure. And we would want someone to be there for them.

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Amelia Anne's Little Bit of Heaven

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