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  Heavenly Father we pray for Sherri this day. Father we pray that you will be with her as she waits the decisions of the court. Comfort her Father, and if it would be your will I pray that you grant to her freedom at this time. I ask this in Jesus name.   Amen 10/4/03

   Heavenly Father Michael is in Albion awaiting a release date. Pleas be with him as he wonders what the date will be. Comfort him and assure him father that it is all for your glory. I would ask father that if it be you will that they soon give him a date for parole, as his parole has been granted and he is just awaiting a release date. Thank you father in Jesus name I pray.     Amen 10/4/03

God's word tells us that "we have not because we ask not."  It also says in I John 3:22 "and whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing to His sight." I strongly believe we all will receive His blessings if we live by His word.  I would like to take this time and pray. 

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you this time asking forgiveness and your blessings upon this family.  Father, if it be your will Father, heal those with physical or spiritual problems at this time Father, be with the Dr's. that are caring for them Father.  And if it be your will Guide their hands in the healing of these precious soles dear Heavenly Father.  Thank you Father.
In Jesus name I pray. AMEN........8/20

Dear Heavenly Father, Kathy's sons are in need for Your help.  One of her sons is looking for his little girl who is missing. Lord, we ask that You wrap Your safe loving arms around this child till she is found.  Also we pray for Kathy's older son who is a correctional officer. He has brought drugs into the prison. All the details are not known. Lord, You know what is in this young mans heart. Lord, we ask that You comfort his family during this trouble time. His wife and 2 young sons need comfort during this time. We also ask for comfort for Kathy, she is so shock to hear her son do such a thing. He has always been a hard worker, two jobs and went to college. Never was in any sort of trouble in his life until now. They cannot understand what has made him do this.  Dear Lord, we lift Kathy up to You, let her know that You are with her. So much is on her plate now due to problems with her husband, granddaughter and taking care of her father. She is drained mentally and physically. Lord, we ask that You give her the strength that she needs to get through all of these problems in her life. Lord, wrap Your arms around this family and let them know that You are with them and that there is a light at the end of that tunnel.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 6/17/00

Dear Heavenly Father, our son Timothy has been arrested for a D.U.I , Lord You know this is his second time.  We pray that You Lord will reach Tim, and make him see that he needs You In his life.  Make him realize the alcohol does not solve problems. That only Your Saving Grace will solve all of his problems. In Jesus Precious Name we make this prayers. Amen

Father I lift up Jeremy to you.  Jeremy is nineteen years old and already made a bad decision with his life. Drugs and peer pressure seemed to have played a big part in his actions. Jeremy robbed a store at gun point last week and now he sits in jail. While being locked up he has read some chapters of the Bible and has repented and has accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Only you know his heart Lord. Father I ask that you be with this young man, I ask that you draw him close to you. I pray that he doesn't backslide and that he keeps reading your word. I pray that as he reads you give him knowledge and understanding. I pray that your words speak to his heart. Lord as we all know we have to face up to the wrongs that we do here on earth as we do on Judgment Day. What ever the punishment for his crime Lord, I pray that he learns from the wrong he has done and that from this mistake he will be a Godly man and be of help to others one day who have gone down the same path in life. I ask that good come from the wrong that he has done. Lord I leave him in your care and I ask that you be there with him during his trial. I ask in Jesus name. Amen


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