Welcome To Prison Ministries Testimonials


I am so thankful every single day for the love, and support that you sent out to me.  And the visits and prayers you provided during my time of growth within those walls, behind the bars of E.C.P.  Your work and prayers have provided miracles in life and opened the doors to the Church of Christ to my family and myself. I will always share a love for you both as a sister in Christ, with you.  I will be writing to those who are still hurting as I was, those who I can share their fears and loneliness with.  Bondage behind those walls and bars is an awful experience, and thank God for you and your work it was my greatest joy to receive your letters and reassurance. Since my release I have struggled with my disease of alcoholism.  But God reminds me on the days that I do not walk according to His word, that He is my strength and help. Without Him I could not do it on my own.   I praise God for bringing you and the Church family into my life.  Thank you so much for being here for me and for all of us who suffer- don't give up. Your work is doing miracles although it may not always appear to be. God knows, and so do I Thank you God, and thank you for Gene and Shirley.

At the age of 45 after years of crime, drugs, and alcohol, I Finally came to the Lord, or should I say He rescued me from this horrible life of drugs and crime. Anyway I dedicated my life to serving Him that night back in 1983. I promised to serve him to the best of my ability from that day forth. I am doing so by serving in the field of prison ministry. Praise God it has been such a beautiful and rewarding experience. God is so wonderful. To think He could love a lowly sinner like me. Amen. Praise God. forever in His service, Gene


I John J. Kasecky am 49 years old And before I came to know the Lord, It was always My way. I only knew the Lord when I needed something. I have found that the road to Satan is very wide. So easy to be lost without Jesus. For me it was like being lost in a forest, going up and down over the hills. I came to this path, and looked upon it, I found that it was hardly ever used by all the weeds covering it. I had no real idea where it was going to take me. I was scared and was lost, I needed a true friend. I found this true friend while I was In prison, His name is "Jesus Christ." That unused path lead me straight to Him and to a new life, To a whole new outlook according to His will, Not mine, being done. I found this path threw a prison ministry directed by Gene Platt, Praise God.

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