Loros Olwin Varnton, Esq.















End Gon’ Green




[4:20:12 PM]


We synchronized our watch to the final second as preparation work.  In the ironhanded way, we all considered this to be the idea.  The tool was a burn hive electrified by bone-jive.  Nuclear and all-consuming, their intentions became obvious. 


[4:25:52 PM]


I, starry-eyed, undid my jet juggling pony-tail.  Afterword, I vaporized into an overhead flare.  She was frozen in my house, feeding a blackjack drive thru her dome eye.  The band head rests and I’d seen the ‘green already’ set-up.  We’d fumbled around there for twenty-five minutes exactly, tensing up and letting free shots loose on our eye sea.  We adjusted the flavors of candy canes; that act bleeding point A across to and into point B.  A swarm of purple ghosts ravaged the scene, surfing on a green rainfly thru a cyclone.  The static vision of paranormal tourists wrecked my perspective.  I realized that those senses were slickening and my face fell off the trap…  We too leapt and awoke as one heap, licking our wounds.


[4:50:05 PM]


With one wink’d “aye” on watch, I unrolled a red letter wedge.  After pinning the mirror to the time traveler’s lapel, we clasped hands around the handle of Odin’s Sword.  I changed lanes and adjusted the tracking with a quick start.  An insider handed me a Roman candle and it was burnt and fired in just under two and a half minutes.  I pull’d out of the driveway, lit a corpse torch, and blasted off into the next state.


[4:52:25 PM]


The wave of the future came on out of the core and thru the window once again, and Jack paused to fog his pipe dreams over and just—enjoy only the keenest and cleanest signal set.  Two phony swine appeared, snoutless... and they disappeared up the hall... Later on, they tripped to the bottom of Ill Hill to throw rocks.  I found myself sandwiched between ugly and uglier.  The flash blinded us, and we drowned in the Red River.  Just then everything electrical plunged into deep closet space.  Bony and Skilly sluggishly will’d an hour-long batty eye bash past and then we had to disappear.  




Loros refuses to explain himself.  No intelligence is available regarding his life.