Seth Copeland
















After Paris


its a sober American way whenst ye realize

there’s a whole restof dawurlt out there

            that fears &hates the soils y_trod cuz we_re the sods

what ripped FAT(e) (de)MAN(d) & ze L____e B_y

                        into the skin of ɹǝɥʇO Travelers

            &thenly said : nope none nobobby shalt be mean with these :


el hombre naranja goeth whairnate’en Chubby Kimmy

                        wood turn his mandatory face _thank_

            if_n god wanted tukeep some them last few what hold

A_N_Y_T_H_I_N_G _ of his name on credit

                        hell swoop down right now_dragon)(astride & : whoa so_

            um_erect too_man :) Lee_s backyardll erupt w/


theD_ea_d c_R_a(wling toawrt the whitebone

lift by dark muscle (angels

            will ball in the street_as already (p)(r)(e)(c)(i)(o)(u)(s)

they do _ _ crayola_red fires(of)ecstasy bonfires

                        all trilbies ~ yeah make it a birdcall again

            sound like : help(help i_m losing my habit my home my _ :




Hi Fi Haibun


Delphi : diddlers dawdle : deific squares achant

uh huh : move me like you do : cut : rRrRrRrRrRaAaAaAaP

Whupscuse us : folks : we’re having technicuooah

Blizzard screen : Diaper commercial

diaper commercial : diaper commercial

That smug rodent : old conch from foxen friends

            his quack : eating my stomach away

right now : poem shaped like  raygun : almost helicopter


                        —in which we Saigon the fuck out

            enemy territory : find it most places nowadays

see skinhates get punched : tv is peoplewire again : hozzah

            : this stanza’salmost flying saucer : I wish it a

                        monolith : something tall : firm : holds

                                    all ğod’s chitlins in burlap acridity : now pause

            enhance image : enhance image : enhance image

enhance image : en : hance : en : there’s no more information


tornado season :

killdeer nesting :

                                                            in a muddy pothole :