My name is Richie Meeds. I'm 15 and if you can't tell by name, I'm a guy. I go to school at Yelm High School, and I live in Yelm WA (Don't go there). My interests are playing video games, listening to music, collecting DBZ stuff, and other anime. I'm also a ok DBZ drawer. As soon as I make more web space I will scan my drawings and put 'em on this page. My favorite DBZ character is Vegeta, and gohan is not that far behind him, the other DBZ characters are pretty cool too, I just think Goku is getting all (Too much) the glory. I really like Dragon ball z, but when it comes to funimation, they suck. In funimation it seems like the voices of the characters are stressing to make the voice they want. For example Vegeta's voice sounds like he's trying to take a crap and piccolo sounds like he has a sore throat. Anyway this is the first web site I ever made, I'm just learning so maybe next time I will build a better web site.

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