The Power of the Presence, part III
edited by David Godman

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340 pages.
Published by David Godman.
ISBN: 0971137129
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Once a visitor said, 'I have been coming to you,Swami,many times,hoping that something will happen,hoping that I shall be changed.So far I do not see any change in me.I am as I was,a weakling of man,an inveterate sinner.' He started weeping piteously.

'On this road there are no milestones,'replied Bhagavan.'How can you know in which direction you are going? Why don't you do what the first-class railway passenger does? He tells the guard his destination,locks the doors and goes to sleep.The rest is done by the guard.If you could trust your Guru as much as you trust the railway guard,it would be quite enough to make you reach your destination.Your business is to shut the door and window and sleep.The guard will wake you up at your destination.'
(Krishna Bhikshu)
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