Arunachala The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi
Suri Nagamma

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Shambala, 1988, normal book format, 116 pp.
(Containing biographical sketch, Who am I?, Spiritual Instruction, Maharshi's Gospel,
with a foreword by C.G. Jung)
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      Sri Ramana is a true son of the Indian earth. He is genuine and, in addition to that, something quite phenomenal. In india he is the whitest spot in a white space. What we find in the life and teachings of Sri Ramana is the purest of India; with its breath of world-liberated and liberating humanity,it is a chant of millenniums. This melody is built up on a single, great motif, which, in a thousand colorful reflexes, rejuvenates itself within the Indian spirit, and the latest incarnation of which is Sri Ramana Maharshi himself.
The goal of Eastern practices is the same as that of Western mysticism: the focus is shifted from "I" to the Self, from man to God. .......
Therefore, one may look upon sages like like Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana as modern prophets. They not only remind us of the thousands-of-year old spiritual culture of India, but also directly embody it.

(excerpt from the foreword by C.G. Jung)
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