.:D&D 3rd Edition:.

.:Other d20 system Games:.

.:Big Eyes Small Mouth:.

.:Vampire the Masquerade:.



.:Buffy the Vampire Slayer:.

.:Magic the Gathering:.

.:Buffy the Vampire Slayer:.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer is quite a new game and uses the same system as Witchcraft and All Flesh Must Be Eaten. At the moment we have one Buffy game running but if you're looking to start your own contact me at [email protected] or leave a note on the Notice Board.

Greg's Buffy Game:
Kelchester is a normal enough town on the surface. It has a university, a cathedral, a bustling town centre, and a rugby team. But look closer and you can't help but notice a few oddities. The town's history is rife with disasters and deaths. The local Mission is a haven for those who don't fit in with normal society. And people who walk into the wrong alleyway have a tendency not to walk out again. For Sheena McKinley, life at the University of Kelchester has far more in store than a history degree and a steady boyfriend.

Into every generation a Chosen One is born. One girl in all the world who can fight the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.

And you thought your first year was hard...

Sheena McKinley - Katy
Arin Paige - Kalyn
Jonathan Hardy - Tom
LeRoy Nelson - Nickski
Brian Williams - Gareth

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