Sonya was later visted by the Thunder God Raiden, he asked her aid in the coming fight agaist  the Deadly Alliance. Sonya agreedbto join her old friend and ally, but she expressed concern that all inter realm portals on Earthrealm were now destroyed. Reiden instrocted her to meet with the Orther heros on the old Island Fortress in the Cost Sea. Where he would address this issue, Sonya arrived on Shang Tsung's abondoned Island Fortress and was greated by one of her allies against evil, Kung Lao. He seems depress, but wood not offer an explation. The two of them sparred on the beach to pass the time as they waited for the order warriors that Reiden whould have contacted. by late afternone, a small boat, apparently formed office, flated to shore. it was the Lin Kuei ninja Sub-Zero, and his warrior in training Frost. Sonya was not excited to see Sub-Zero, but not Frost. Her first meeting with the Lin Kuei recuit  was not a pleasent one. Sonya had a score to settle and developed a small rivalry with Frosr, who felt it was necessary to show off her power and impress the warrior, She was beaten by Sonya in their small fight was interupted by their comrades. There were more important matters at hands. For some reason Sonya felt  she could not trust Frost she hated her arrogance and cockiness.
     By midnight, the remaining Earthrealm warrior had arrived. Raiden then appeared and transported the heroes to  a Celestial portal to Outworld, earn the right to pass into Outworld, each warrior had to defeat a representation of his or wrost adversary. Sonya thought it would had be frost, but to her surprise, it was a stranger with an image of a Red dragon symbol on his back.
     For Sonya, facing the Deadly Alliance also coincided with her search for two missing OIA aggent, Cyrax and Kenshi was unable to find them, however, and was killed in lbattle with the Dealy Alliance is Tarkartan forces. The Deadly Alliance is victory was short lived, as Onga  had enetred the same just moments after their victory over Raiden himself, and reclaimed Outworld, as well as the amulet. With his ability to raise the dead at will, he resurrected and enslaved Sonya and her and her comrades appear nomal in Mortal Kombat Armagddon, it is likely that Ermac and the spirit of Liu Kang had freed them from Onaga is control.
     In Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Sonya returns Earth after Onaga's defeat, with intention of continuing her assault both Red Dragon and Black Dragon Clans, only to be forced to focused on the newly established threat of the newly established threat of the Tekunin, In her absence, The Tekunin had grown large enough to dis rup Earth Civilzation and had Violated Earthrealm law by engaging in illegal interrealm alliances with unknow parties, a combin ation which forces Sonya to avert all the resources of the Speical Forces against them. Early in their battle, Sonya seems to get an unexpected break when the Tekuin's flagship helmed by their Granmaster Sektor himeself is seen above to get an unexpected vist my Sonya Blade. The Botan Jungle, and suceeas in downing it. during her direct attack, Sonya kept sending Sektor warnin signals that ordered him to surrenders, but Sektor was not planning to give up so easily and refuses to liseten. Thanks to Sonya's destruction of the Tekun in the Flagship, Taven manges to escape Sektor capture, She then sends a team lead by her parther Jax in to hunt for surviors, they mysteriously vanish and are presumed for being captured by the Tekunin, Jax's own cybernetic bios scanner sending anomalaus reading before placed on Taven by Sektor before his escape, she easily kilkled an ice monster beast last was about to battle Taven with her own Armed Forces projectile speical moves, and eventually Contronts him in Arktica. In a very dangerous mood and tough fashion, She triest to get information out of him about Sektor and the Tekunin. Proclaiming she has fully  authority overhim's, Sonya is unwilling to trust Edenian warrior, so they soon engage in battle after Taven refuses to comply. Sonya limps away she is beatens warning him that she will be wactching him.
     In her Armageddon ending Sonya defeats Blaze, who offers her power she desives.  When Kano arrives at the scene, Sonya is glowing with energy and glares at him, her gaze burns Kano again and make him explode in a cloud of ash. with this new power Sonya incinerates all the Black Dragon and Red Dragon clan members, clearing the way for a new era of peace. 
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