Those I Miss.
Over the years I have been privelaged to know a lot of wonderful people. A lot have passed on for different reasons, including a thing called AIDS. This is the case for most, but not all those you see here. Please play safely.
This is Bill D. He is the reason I live in South Carolina. We met in 1977, back in CA. At first I didn't care for him, but then he was straight at that time. Or so he said. Until he met up with Kristopher J., a friend that I had gone to high school with, and still keep sporadically in touch with. As the years passed I grew to love him more and more. Eventually, he was living around the corner from me in Long Beach, CA.  In 1988, he moved to SC to follow a boyfriend at the time. It went sour, I eventually moved to SC. He got very involved with S.C. Gay & Lesbian Pride Movement, was instrumental in getting the first Pride Center open in SC, and designed the 1994 Logo for the March. He died of AIDS.
Dallas J. A fellow member of L/L Brigade and good friend. We met each other through bartending in the bars in Columbia.
John G, aka "Anita Douche" was quite the character. I met him when I was bartending at Affairs. He always had a smile on his face.
Sammi S. The first person I became friends with in Columbia, SC. He was Quit a character and loved being the center of attention. Died of AIDS.
Ayres. He was Scott L's Lover. A great guy I never really had time to know him that well. Died of AIDS.
Freddie M., was another friend I made not too long after coming to SC. He had a very dry and subtle sense of humor.
Ken W., was a president of The New Tribe L/L when I became a member. He and his lover "Leslie" that also died of AIDS.
This is my small dedication to all my friends that have passed since I have lived in South Carolina.
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"Cyd Vicious" was my first cat. She was a gift from a lover and was born the weekend we had met.
Randy was a pledge of TNT L/L. He was such a cutie.
Rick F. (nicknamed. 'Andy Warhol'), I knew him for a few years & later his lover 'Bill K.', and I became good friends through Brigade.
Cha Cha, My dog in one of her favorite places, My Mother's flower bed! Lived to be 14 years old.
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Jerry Fallaw
Jerry F.
He and his brother, Doug,  were each characters. In their own ways, they would be very entertaining. Jerry used to come to the 'Gay Bowling' and just visit with the folks that were in the league. A very lovable guy.
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