Getting it!
A non fictional story
of a first time meeting.
You�ve seen each other quite a few times over the last few years, but, you�ve never talked, except, maybe that one time you ran into each other and only managed to exchange the everyday "How are you?'s". But, this time is going to be different. You can tell by the way you both catch each other cruise one another. You know it also because you�re very horny, you�ve had just the right amount of alcohol to get your nerve up, and you really want it. Boy! Do you want it?

It starts out with that smile that says, "I know what you�re thinking." The best part is, you�re thinking the same thing. SEX!!! You might know their name, but, only because you�ve had long enough to ask a few key people the right questions, without really saying that your interested in this particular person.

Slowly, but surely you start making your way towards each other. And when I say slowly, I mean S-L-O-W-L-Y. The bar is not that big, so every inch seems like a giant step towards your goal, (Mother, May I?). Finally, you�re standing next to each other, both of you trying hard not to seem obvious to the rest of the bar. (HA! These people have nothing better to do than keep tabs on who�s cruising who). You even touch shoulders or hips (it is a busy place).

You get a bit bolder about looking at (checking out) each other. This is when you start to realize it may be now or never. You still can�t quite do it though. You smile, you say Hello! You feel it might be your only chance to even have a decent conversation, even though you definitely want more than that.

What should you say? Can you think of anything to say that won�t sound stupid or clich�? Should you offer to buy a drink for the two of you? Will they think you�re a lush if you do? Will they think you�re trying to get a quick lay? Most importantly, do you care what they think? Or, do you just want to have that one night stand you�ve been thinking about for a long time now?
Remember, ...
"Life is a banquet, and most poor
sons-of-bitches are starving to death!"
- Mame Dennis
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So you ended up going home with your new "friend". You�re not sure what exactly you�ve gotten yourself into, but you�re excited already. You knew they were involved in "Leather" before you met. That�s okay, you took separate cars, (so you can make your escape, if necessary).

Once there, you are told to make yourself at home. You are offered a drink. You are asked, "What are you into?" You say that you have "Never had any experience with this sort of thing...But, want to!" You are nervous as hell. You are beginning to have second thoughts. I don�t know what I was thinking. Nevertheless, as the minutes go by, the sound of their voice is somewhat calming. Non-threatening. You begin to relax.

The conversation begins to sound like an interview. However, you understand that they are trying to find out your interests and limitations. Trying to develop a certain amount of assurance for you to enjoy the things to come. You are shown their "Toy Bag" and told what the different uses are for some of them. You point out the things that peak your senses. You finally agree to certain terms and using a "safe word" as your signal to them that you have had enough.

The blindfold goes over your eyes. From here on in, you are submitting yourself to the will/whim of another. You are instructed to remove some, but not all your clothing. You are also told to stand in a certain place that you are guided to. You hear things moving. Sounds you are not quite sure of. Metallic sounds like...Buckles? Snaps? Chains? Locks maybe?...Wooden sounds, maybe a paddle or cane?...You also hear the softer sounds of the leather "Toys" you were shown, but do not know which.

The sound of sensually dark music comes on. It adds an almost ominous atmosphere to your already unsure situation. Your heart begins to race as you feel restraints being placed on your wrists. You can hear the locks being snapped closed. You begin to realize how much you can hear around you. How much more of a sense of feeling your exposed skin has. You can feel every little goose bump rising as the light breeze from the ceiling fan flows over your body. 'It�s not too late. I can still back out!' But! Do you really want to?�
So there you are. In a strangers home. Your hands are in restraints. Half naked. Blindfolded. Nervous. Your heart is racing. Your head is spinning from the adrenaline and the sense of vulnerability. You have never felt anything like this before. The sound of metal clinking, locks and chains being prepared for�? And that dark music playing in the background only makes you more aware of what is going on.

With your wrists still in the restraints that have been locked on, they are raised up over your head. Attached to the bar hanging from the ceiling that you saw when you first entered the room. You jump slightly from the first touch of their hands on your body. Feeling the tightness of different muscles, the line of your body, the smoothness of your skin. You enjoy the movement of the fingers lightly touching and pinching at different parts of your body. Your neck, shoulders, arms, your chest, tits, and nipples. Down to your stomach.

Before things go any farther , you are asked what your favorite color is. 'What a strange question!' You say "green". You are told this is your only control, your "safe word". That if at any time things become too intense, this word is the only thing that will stop everything for the night. Not just give you a break, Stop everything, and so use it only when you are sure you have to stop. You are asked if you understand. You do.

You know where they are heading, and anticipate the next few touches. But, the fingers avoid your still covered crotch area and instead, go down one leg, still testing the strength of the muscles. Checking you out like a choice piece of meat, or testing fruit for its ripeness. Again, this reminds you of the situation you are in, and how you have submitted to another person�s control. 'Why did I ever agree to this?'

The hands stop. You hear things being moved around. Suddenly, you feel coldness against your stomach. Chain? Your nipples are being pinched again. This time hard! You realize that nipple clamps are being placed on them. At first there is a slight uncomfortable sensation. It�s fairly intense, but, slowly you become accustomed to it. Begin to like the feeling.

You hear more rustling. Next, you feel your ankles being spread apart, another set of restraints are locked on around them. And a spacer bar placed between them, to keep them about 2 feet apart. Again, the hands begin their journey over your body. This time, a little more aggressive, more pinching, firmer. You feel yourself becoming excited by the situation. You can�t help it. Even though you are nervous. Your adrenaline level is getting up there.
You begin to sink back into your fantasy. This time it is a horse rancher whipping you. In a barn. Wearing nothing but boots and a cowboy hat. You are in a stable. Your hands are attached to the hayloft over head. You can almost smell the hay. You are being punished for not getting your chores done on time.

Whack! As you let out a yelp, more from surprise than from any pain, you now know it�s a paddle they're using, and it just struck one of your ass cheeks. Whack! Your head jerks back, this time the strike was on the other cheek and just a little firmer. Again, the paddle comes against your ass. Over and over, going from one cheek to the other. Each times a little firmer. As the paddling goes on, you find yourself fantasizing that you are somewhere else. Somewhere more dangerous, and less controlled. Your someplace that you have been forced to go, by someone stronger than yourself. Someone you do not know, that now is in control.

More touching, this time down your back. From your neck to the top of your underwear covered ass. Their fingers reach just inside the top and begin to pull the back of them slowly down, just enough to expose your ass. Their hands glide over it. You like the feeling. 'What is so bad about this?' The hands disappear for a moment. The next thing you feel is something that is somewhat like sandpaper scraping across your chest and nipples. Rough. It moves around towards your back. Across your shoulder blades and down one side across your ass and up the other side.

Whack! That felt different! You realize that the paddle has been traded for a riding crop you were shown earlier. You feel the difference because, the feeling is more precise. It even has a bit more of a sting to it. Swish, swish, swish, swish. You can hear the crop waving back and forth through the air. Coming around to the front of you. Getting closer. It grazes one of your nipples. You pull back. Swish, swish, swish, swish. It continues. Grazing against the other nipple twice . Back to the other for three more. Back and forth between the two. Each time one more light sting than the one before.
Swish, swish, swish, swish. The crop starts moving away from your chest. Grazing repeatedly everywhere it goes. Your stomach. Your thighs. The inside too. Your knees, calves. Up the back of your knees to your thighs. Coming to your ass, it stays there. Lightly slapping first one cheek, very quickly and repeatedly, then the other. You can feel your ass begin to heat up.

The crop gets stronger each time it switches. Each time you think you are about at your first time limit, the crop switches. It is like a stimulation roller coaster. It takes you up, lets you back down, only to take you back up that next hill. Your heart races faster and faster. Your breathing becomes more hyperventilated. Your head begins to spin a little. You can feel the sweat that has barely broken out all over your body. 'How much more can I take?'

The riding crop strikes one last time. For a moment, all you can do is capture your breath. Your mouth is dry. Still blindfolded, you can hear the clinking of ice cubes in a glass. This tells you that they're drinking something cold. 'Boy! Am I thirsty!' You are asked if you are thirsty. You try to say yes, but, your mouth is so dry, it gets caught in your throat. You nod your head.

Since your hands and feet, (still in your boots), are restrained, you expect to have the glass held up to your mouth. Instead, your body flinches from the sudden icy cold feeling of the cold water being poured in the general direction of your mouth. Even though the cold water is trickling over your chin and throat, down your chest to your stomach and belly button, you endure the cold. You stretch and twist your head to catch a drink.

Again you hear the clinking of ice cubes in the glass. This time your ready. You brace yourself for that icy sensation. You can hear the glass move around you. To the left, the right, behind you. "Aaaaahhh!" One drop of water hits your back. Then a few more. Next you fell an ice cube being rubbed against the back of your neck. It slowly, v-e-r-y slowly moves down your spine. Between your shoulder blades, to the center of your back.

As it reaches the small of your back, it moves over and across one ass cheek. After that riding crop session heating your ass, this feels good. Just like the ice water, as the ice cube melts, it trickles down your legs. The ice moves down the back of one leg, finally reaching your boots. It moves to the other ankle, starting its way up, towards your soaking wet crotch. Across the front of your knee, up your thigh. Avoiding your crotch, it goes around and up the side of your stomach, towards your chest. Finally reaching your nipples, you feel the iciness down into your chest. You let out a small "uuunnnhhh!" as the ice moves back and forth from one nipple to the other.
The coldness continues down, saturating your, still underwear-covered crotch. As the trickles of water pass through your crotch, and roll on down the insides of your thighs, you feel Goosebumps break out all over your body. It runs behind your knees, down your shins and calves. Finally, just a little bit partially soaks your socks inside your boots. 'Damn!! That feels so good!'

You can feel it�s coolness close to your asshole. Touching it, you get this tingling, deep from within, that travels throughout your body. Suddenly it starts to work it�s way in. 'I don�t know if I can handle this.'" You try to relax, you don�t want to wimp-out now. Pressing ever so gently, you begin to feel it slip inside. And you thought the tingling you felt a moment ago was intense. This feeling goes beyond accurate description. The cold sensation spreads again, only this time it�s on the inside. 'Oh god! This is becoming too much! What was that 'safe word" '?. The feeling is unlike any other you have ever had before. This part of your body has never been cold before. It's a whole new sensation that you're not sure how you feel about. You can begin to feel the water seep out and run down your legs as the ice melts.

The ice cube doesn�t seem to ever melt away completely. Once again it travels over your shoulders and down your back towards you ass. This time it seems to get a lot closer to the center of things. Closer and closer, working it�s way between your cheeks. 'Uh-oh! Where�s that ice heading?"

With the blindfold still on, water all over your body, and, with the ceiling fan blowing a steady breeze across your skin, you can almost imagine yourself outdoors. Maybe in the mountains somewhere.

After what has to have been 15 minutes at least, you realize that you have not heard, or been touched by your partner since the ice cube first entered your body. You've been concentrating so much on the sensations running throughout your mind and body you forgot where you were.

You're feeling totally exhausted from the experiences of the night. Sweat covering your body. The blindfold still in place, you can smell the strong scent of the night�s activities in the air. You don't know what else you could handle, before breaking, from the almost overwhelming sensations running through your head, not to mention the tremendously physical, yet pleasurable, stress you've endured.
Remember? Your in the home of the person you've seen at the bar forever, and finally got together with tonight. Only, you certainly weren't expecting to be hanging from their ceiling, from wrist restraints. Naked except for your crotch and boots. Blindfolded. At the mercy of someone else's whims. And, enjoying the hell out of it.

Does It Ever End?

You feel those hands once again. Pinching, prodding and probing your body, here and there. Checking you out, not saying anything to you. As if you couldn't speak. As if you weren't really there. Like your feelings didn't matter. As if you were nothing more than an object. Something to fill the sadistic whim's of someone else, to be totally controlled, and wonderfully, erotically, used by another.

Strangely, you begin to realize that this is exactly what you've been doing all night. Being completely controlled by another. Not saying anything. Not being asked anything. Not asked if you've had enough. Just giving yourself over to be used for the pleasure of someone else. And ... YOU ENJOYED IT!!!

It felt great to not think, just accept. To not make any decisions, just accept. Not have to be distracted by seeing anything. Only hearing what someone else chooses for you to hear, like the soothing sounds of that dark, sensually passionate, music that's been playing in the background. It's been almost like meditation. Being able to completely let go of your thoughts, and just accept and enjoy the things that came.

Whack! Just when you thought it might be over, you quickly realize, 'It's not!', as once more the riding crop finds a place on your ass, already made sensitive from repeated slaps from the crop earlier, and the paddle before that.

Despite being drained, you want to know how much more you can handle. As the riding crop begins it�s slow repetition of slaps on your ass again, you feel the excitement growing from inside. Taking you back up to that level of total abandon from the �real� world.

This time though, you feel their chest against your back. Breathing down the back of your neck. Their hand coming around to your crotch. Starting to work you up there too. The combination of the leather crop striking against your ass, the chest against your back and the physical stimulation to your crotch only excites you more and more.
Your hands are still restrained to the ceiling. There are only two choices that you have at this point. Use your safe word and end the whole thing, or, see how much further this goes on and hope you can survive it. �What should I do?�Quit?� No!�Go for it!"

Your knees begin to feel weak. The only thing keeping you standing is the overhead restraining bar you're attached to. Your breathing gets shallow, as you feel your bodybuilding up to that final moment.

Torture? Pleasure? Torture? Pleasure? The line between the two has become so faint you�re not sure what you�re feeling. Not sure if this is still fun or just fantastically masochistic. �Who cares! ... Fuck it! ... I like it!' The feelings in your head, as well as your body are both reaching their climax, reacting as the sensation flows all through you. Closer � closer � closer � to the release your mind and body are crying out for. Almost there! �Almost! �Just about to...

Suddenly it stops. �No! Not yet! Don't stop!' Your body wants to explode! But, You know from earlier experience that this is just the first level you are taken to. Build up. Cool down. Build up. Cool down. It's an almost vicious cycle. How terrifically sadistic of them to do this to you. It�s only a quick cool down as again the �all-over� stimulation starts up again. This time much more intense, �determined �passionate. Just a little more and you�ll be there! Just about �right on the edge �here it co � Damn! They stopped again. You almost made it. Next time you will. You�re sure hoping so.

This is it! Working you up one more time. Riding crop slapping your ass. Chest rubbing against you back. Hot breath becoming shallow on the back of your neck. The friction attacking your crotch. �God! What a feeling!� You feel the pins and needles crawling on your skin. Your toes curling in anticipation. The sweat pouring off your body. Your head spinning. This time you�re so close to climax you can feel it all the way to your soul. Here it is! Just a second more. Here it comes! Here It Comes! HERE IT COMES! 'AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!''

The sensations shoot all the way from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Convulsions of sheer pleasure race through your entire body. Wave, after wave, of pure excitement. 'When does it end?' Total release. Both physically and mentally. Feeling as if you�re about to turn inside out from the magnum force of the pleasure. Over and over the waves keep coming. Literally taking you to heights you never knew imaginable.

Finally, completely drained of every ounce of energy, you find yourself actually hanging from the bar above. 'Is it over?'
Here you are! It doesn�t seem like a year ago that you first went home with that person from the bar, and had that unforgettable, first experience in S/M. And, more important, found out a few things about yourself you might not have ever known. Like, you�re a glutton for the exquisite sensations that you first experienced that night.

Ever since that first time, you have been experiencing the things that others only dare to think about. Electricity, spanking, flogging, dildo play, etc. And, the best part is, so far, you like it. You want to experience everything you can. All those things that you never thought you would have a chance to. Even those things that others find beyond their ability to enjoy. Watersports, fisting, etc.

When you first met, you weren�t sure what was even going to happen to you. But, now it�s different. You have been together for a year. You found someone who respects you, and your body, enough to take you to your limits, without pushing you beyond that. You're still experiencing new things. Tonight it�s going to be �Hot Candle Wax�.

You've also noticed some other changes. A little more self-confidence and comfort, about who you are. Even some of the people you have met since the two of you have been together. They all, (well, most), seem to have a deeper sense of pride that others don�t seem to display so outwardly.

Anyway, for what ever reason. You are still enjoying the things that come your way to the fullest possible extent. Enjoying the �BANQUET� of sensations, while it�s still being served �HOT�.

Does It Have To End?
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