My Viewpoints
The Ramblings Of One Who
Has Been Around, Met A Lot Of Folks
Seen A Lot Of Things And
Doesn't Usually Hold Back Any Comment.
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Do �Straight� Folks Still Exist?

My experience says, �Yes AND No!� Over the past years I have come across a few people that bring a whole new (and in my opinion, better) meaning to the word �straight�. Two guys stand out in my mind as good examples of what I mean.
The first person I can remember is a guy, we�ll call him J. I met J. through a personal ad I ran. When we first began talking, I thought he was like the other guys that had replied. They just wanted to get their �kinky� rocks off by way of a one-time get together with a person into leather. But I was looking for a playmate that would give me a chance to learn more about what made them squirm in pleasure.
When we got together for the first time, he was up front about his situation. He was 34, married, with kids, not at all shy about what turned him on. The problem he had was, his wife was not the �type of girl� to give him the spanking he really wanted.
He had spoken to her about his desires, and would truly be happily married if she would just understand. But, she doesn�t want to do that sort of stuff.
The second guy, let�s call him D., was about 27 years old, single and had never been with a guy before. Never been into anything leather-oriented. But was very interested. We spoke on the phone, not just once, not twice, or three times. We must have talked at least five or six times before he felt comfortable enough that we could decide to get together. This in itself told me that he was interested. Even by phone though, after the second time we spoke I got very comfortable feeling from him.
We met on neutral ground for dinner, to have a face to face conversation and see where it might lead. No promises made. Not only did we end up playing that same day, but also since then, we have become the best of friends. He has attended two leather events with me. Come to several of our club nights, and we even visited a dungeon in Atlanta and played together publicly. His philosophy doesn�t limit him to the opposite sex, although, he does admit that he really would like to find the right girl.
Both J. And D. had met most of the members of local Leather group members and been accepted for who they are. Mind you, I did not mention anything about sex. Well, there�s a reason for that. Sex has been very minimal, and that�s fine. It�s not all about sex. It�s about fantasy, role-play, and sensory stimulation beyond the everyday. And believe me that can be the most mind blowing �mental climax� that can happen to two (or more), people without actually having sex.
I still play with these two on occasion. And for those of you who are �in the know�, YES! My lover knows about this. I try to tell him everything that happens. Playtime is playtime. Sex is sex. What really counts is whom you love, and whom you go home with. Love is something very special.
I can only hope that the open-minded �straight folks� I have met, are examples to the future. Physical sensual limits are mostly in your head. Get over it! Enjoy life to it�s fullest!
Fetish (fet`ish) any non-sexual object that abnormally excites erotic feelings.

Ever fantasize about someone wearing just boots and a smile? Why were they wearing boots? Why not completely naked?
Ever see that HOT looking painter, gardener or mechanic and wonder what it would be like to play in the paint, mud or oil? Ever want to make messy love in Jell-O, chocolate syrup? Why not just a nice clean environment? It wouldn't be as much fun! That's why!
FETISH! I think everyone has some sort of fetish. Whether or not they admit or realize it, is another thing. Some are lucky enough to know their fetish and use it to their benefit. Others are too scared to admit certain non-sexual things turn them on.
Being turned on by being, or by someone else being, in uniform, latex, a corset, boots or pumps, opposite sex clothing. Smoking a cigar during playtime. Being tuned on by someone with long, short, or no hair. Fetishes!
You experience fetish everyday. From the underwear commercials you like so much. Don't those people look HOT in them! To the rumble of a motorcycle between your legs. You can try, but you can't fuck a bike.
Animal, vegetable, mineral. Any and all of these are brimming over with fetish possibilities. What's yours? Think about it.
Love & Leather Play
It's not who you play with, it's who you stay with. What I mean is, more often in leather couples I notice an "open relationship" attitude. To a certain degree, And, not for everybody. You see...because of the fact that it is leather oriented play I'm talking about. A lot of the couples I have come across, both straight and gay, play with other people. But, that does not mean that they are having sex with anybody else.
Now! I don't mean that they're teases. It's just that most of leather play does not have to involve sex. It's all about stimulation, sensation and psychological highs that can't be reached by "normal" fun. 'Getting off' takes on a whole new meaning. Don't misunderstand me. Sex can be a part of it. But it's not essential.
You see, when this A.I.D.S. thing started, the leather community was able to adapt a bit easier. Why? As I said, sex is not essential. S/M is all about different levels of Stimulation. Physical & Mental. Role Play & Fantasy. Bondage & Discipline. Mild to severe Flogging, Whipping, Spanking or Paddling. Hot Wax. Paraffin. Fetish. Blood Play. Electricity.
I have seen, and a few times been able to create, scenes so intense that orgasm could have been anti-climatic. The adrenaline rush one gets, can be so mind explosive, that it can wear you out more than running a marathon. And this goes for both TOP and bottom.
I have to admit that when I was younger, and heard of 'LEATHER' I was as scared as the next guy. That's because I was not informed and only based things on what I 'heard' and saw in movies or read in books. The 'SCARY' stuff. Now I know better. You should too.
Something I'm sure a lot of you wonder about, "How does a person get off on pain?" Well, let me attempt to explain one of the principles.
You have an itch. You scratch it. It feels better. How long do you scratch before it starts to irritate? How much longer until it begins to hurt? And at what point did you notice it wasn't feeling good any longer? 30 seconds? 1 minute? 5 minutes?
A hot shower feels nice, doesn't it? But, how hot is nice? How hot is HOT. How cold is COLD. At what point does pleasant stimulation turn into irritation, then PAIN?
Now! Are your answers the same as the person next to you? Probably not. The point is, everything is different for each and every one of us. "There's a fine line between pleasure and pain." Trust me, this is such a true statement. And especially in S/M play.
Try this. With a friend or group of friends. The more people, the better the example. Take some clothespins, just your average ones will do. Have people clip one onto the end of their index finger at the same time. Now. Just go about your business and see long before different folks have to take it off. Some of them wont last but a few minutes. Others can go on for a lot longer.
It's the same with S/M. Not everyone "into" leather is an extremist. But, there are those who find the "physical", combined with the "mental" aspect of leather play just plain exhilarating. Does this help any?
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