The Accusation

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Six

The stallion reared up on two legs.

Jess grinned. He had tried before to capture it. But never had he gotten this close. As the stallion started down hill, Jess spurred his horse, and the race began. Man against beast. Horse against horse. The stallion running; Jess chasing. Mile after mile, Jess was gaining on the stallion. And with each step, Jess urged his horse, Traveler, to move even faster until trees passed them in a blur.

Jess was now close enough that he could easily rope this wild horse. His right hand grabbed for the rope hanging on his saddle horn. He began to twirl it into a circle, getting it ready to throw.

Suddenly another rider darted from behind a tree cutting Jess off. Traveler neighed loudly as Jess pulled his horse back to avoid slamming into the other horse. The other rider never stopped as Jess sat there in shock at how close the two animals had come to colliding. With a look of anger and determination, Jess spurred his horse once more racing after the stallion. But now it had become a different kind of contest. Rider against rider. But those few seconds had cost Jess. The new rider was several feet ahead of Jess. Though Jess slapped his reins hard against Traveler, the other rider was riding side by side with the stallion. Within seconds this rider threw a rope. The rope landed smoothly around the stallion's neck. The rider wrapped the rope around the horn of the saddle. Snap! The saddle fell to the ground taking the rider with it.

Jess was tempted to stay with the chase; but he pulled back hard on his reins. Even before Traveler had fully slid to a stop, Jess dismounted in one easy move. "You all right?" he asked quickly.

A quick nod. "Broke my cinch clear off!"

Without saying a word, Jess grabbed the rider and threw her over his knee. Whack! She twisted violently. But Jess held her tightly to his lap. Whack! He tossed her to the ground.

"Have you lost your fool mind?" Jess growled.

Mattie jumped to her feet as if ready to do battle. "You had no right!"

"I would have had him if you hadn't come charging out from behind that tree. I've been after that horse for days!"

"I had a right!"

"You seen me chasing him! You had to see me! What's wrong with you?"

"You crossed over on King's land. That gave me the right."

"You going to shoot me?" Jess challenged.

Mattie bit her lips so hard that Jess expected to see blood. She reached down towards her saddle. Quick as a flash, Jess grabbed the rifle before she had a chance to retrieve it.

"You wildcat!" Jess yelled, tossing the rifle several feet away from them. "I think you would shoot me!"

"You've been warned!"

"What is wrong with you Kings? Why are you so all fired anxious to shoot a man? Is it because that's the only way you can get one? Look at you! Dressed like a man, face dirty from sweat; freckles from the sun; fingernails broken; your clothes covered with dust and-"

Her sob quieted his anger. Mattie turned from his sight. Though Jess now heard nothing, he could see her shoulders shaking.

Jess was speechless. He stared at her. Finally he mumbled, "I...I just lost my temper. I was worried when you fell. You could have been hurt. Bad."

She turned and studied him. Her face was tear streaked. "Why would you care?"

"I-Well you're a girl. And I wouldn't want no girl to-" Now Jess bit his lip.

Her eyes were watery and red. She wiped her dusty sleeve across her eyes then her nose. "I know what I look like. But there ain't no one else to tend to the cattle. We're down to three hands. Two of them were old when I was born. So I'm out in the sun all day long."

"Look, I spoke without thinking and-"

"And my hands are rough from roping and mending fences. And you ain't the only one who's been after that stallion." She was close to hysterics as her rage built up, "I've been after that horse a lot longer than you! I wanted to tame him and sell him so I could buy a dress and-" She turned away.

Jess was miserable. He wasn't sure what to say or do. He stood watching her back, hoping she wasn't crying. Scared she was.

"Looks like your horse is long gone," he observed.

She glanced over her shoulder. "Probably halfway back to home by now."

Like a born athlete, Jess mounted his horse. He held his hand out. "Come on, I'll take you home."

She just looked up at him, saying nothing.

"You can't walk home. It's too far. You can ride back later and get your saddle. You're going have to replace that cinch."

Emotions raced across her face. Still she did not move.

"What's wrong? You think your sister is going to shoot me 'cause I'll be on your land?"

"She just might."

"Well let's hope she does it after you dismount so you won't get hit too."

Mattie tried not to smile, but she did.

Jess smiled back. "You look nice when you smile."

Mattie's smile disappeared. "Don't try to flatter me! Your charm won't work on me! I know what you are. A gunslinger that Slim hired."

Jess growled, "Let's get this straight right here! I ain't no gunslinger." "You saying you never sold your gun?"

Jess's only reply was a hard glare.

"Are you selling it now?" Mattie questioned.

"No! Slim hired me as a ranch hand. That's all. Nothing more."

Her brown eyes did battle with his blue eyes.

"Come on," he urged. "Get on the horse so I can take you home. Unless you're scared of me?"

Her chin rose high in the air. "I ain't scared of you, Jess Harper!"

"Then prove it."

She moved to him. His foot jerked away from the stirrup. She grabbed his hand and used his stirrup to mount. She settled behind him.

"You better hold on tight," Jess warned.

"I've been riding since I was five. I don't need to-"

He spurred his horse. To keep from falling, she grabbed his waist as Traveler shot forward.

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