Happy Christmas, Pard

by Moira

Chapter Six

Their quiet reminiscing was abruptly interrupted by a sudden and urgent knock on the front door. Slim and Jess looked at each other alarm on their faces. Mike had stopped playing and Daisy came hurriedly from the kitchen.

�Who can that be today of all days?� she said wiping her hands on her apron. Mike started for the door.

�No, Mike,� Jess said harshly. �Get behind me and let Slim answer it.� Jess slid his gun from its holster that hung by the door and motioned to Slim that he was ready.

Slim moved toward the door as the knock sounded again, more urgently this time. Carefully, Slim opened the door. He looked outside, then turned to look at Jess his eyes full of tears and bewilderment.

Jess wore his special smile the one only reserved for those close to him and for whom he cared deeply.

�Sorry, Slim I lied. Happy Christmas, Pard. I just had to get you a little something for Christmas.� Jess� eyes shone as he watched the pleasure fill Slim�s face.

�This ain�t no little something, Jess,� Slim retorted as he swung the door wide open revealing to Daisy and Mike what he was talking about.

A rather tired looking dark headed young man stood brushing the snow off his hat. They saw a familiar yet different smile beaming in at them.

�Merry Christmas everyone,� he said as he continued to brush snow from his jacket. �Sorry I�m late, Jess but�.� He never got to tell the reason because Slim grabbed him off the doorstep and lifted him into the warmth in a huge bear hug and set him down by the fire.

�Welcome home, Andy.� Jess said putting his gun up and holding out his hand out to the young man who took it and squeezed it not wanting to let go.

�By the look on your face, Jess nothing around here has changed much.� Andy smirked. �You still getting into trouble?�

�Andy!� Daisy gasped.

�So this is what you have been stewing over for the past couple of weeks, Jess.� Daisy remarked as Slim did the introductions.

Andy ruffled Mike�s hair and fondly gave Daisy a hug. Daisy had corresponded with Andy so as to make sure that he was kept up to date with the happenings on the ranch. She knew that Slim and Jess weren�t the best letter writers in the world and she wanted to make sure that Andy knew that his home was still there waiting for his return. All through the introductions Slim�s smile never waned nor his arm move from round Andy�s shoulders.

�You must be starved young man,� insistence in her voice as she made Andy sit at the table. Slim sat next to Andy with Mike, on his knees, full of his usual constant stream of questions and chatter.

�Certainly has the Sherman appetite,� Daisy commented as Andy cleaned every plate that was put in front of him.

�He certainly does,� Slim confirmed. �But nothing like our Jess.� Slim waited for the retort but nothing came. He looked towards the rocker - it was empty. Surveying the rest of the room Slim noticed that Jess� hat and coat were also missing.

�Where�d, Jess go to, Slim?� Mike asked searching the room.

Slim rubbed his back and smiled. �Went out for some air I expect. Andy and I�ll go find him,� confirming it with a nod to Andy. They excused themselves pulled on their coats and hauled outside into the cold evening air.

Slim and Andy stood on the porch, Andy taking a deep breath of the clean sweet air. �I miss this place,� he turned to Slim. �It might be fun to see new places but there�s nowhere like home. It took my going away to realize that.�

Slim patted him on the back. The words gladdened Slim�s heart. There was a time when he thought Andy never liked the ranch and would never be back once he had left. He was wrong, his little brother was growing up.

�Look there�s a light on in the barn, Jess must be visiting with Traveler.�

Slim had suspected that was where Jess had gone. It was something he always did whenever he was fretting over something or just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Slim and Andy strolled into the barn, pulling the door closed behind them. The warmth and pungent air welcoming them like a comforting blanket. Jess was visiting, all right, but with Spirit. He had built a good rapport with the horse during the long days he had spent at the Miller place breaking him. Now that rapport needed to be nurtured into a trusting friendship and partnership.

Spirit definitely lived up to his name; he was restless and Jess was soothing him as he groomed the already glistening coat. In the next stall Traveler was stomping his hooves impatient for Jess� attention.

�Okay, boy,� Jess said putting his hand out to his longtime friend and partner, gently rubbing the soft white blazed nose with the back of his fingers. �No need to get jealous. There�s plenty of me to go around, it�ll be your turn next,� he returned his attention to Spirit�s coat.

Jess pondered life as he brushed. His life was so different now. He had a home and was thought of as a very respectable law abiding citizen by the folks in town. He was partner in a fairly prosperous cattle ranch and relay business. But most of all he had a family, people who cared about him, even loved him. This beautiful creature was proof of that, lump formed in his throat at the thought. His family - it sounded so good. He would protect them all at any cost. He�d even die for them if he must. He never thought he would ever be able to replace what he had lost so many years ago but he had found it and more here with Slim, Andy and Jonesy, and now with Daisy and Mike too. He was content for the first time he could ever remember. He had never been able to find the right words or know how to repay Slim for what he had done for him. He hoped that his gesture of bringing them all together for Christmas might say it for him.

�Nice looking horse you got there, Jess,� Andy said making Jess jump dropping the brush he was using. �Sorry, Jess didn�t mean to startle you,� Andy put his hand forward to Spirit to sniff as he approached. The stallion sniffed this newcomer, throwing his head up in alarm.

�Easy boy, Andy�s a friend,� Jess said grabbing the halter and rubbing the horse�s neck with firm gentle hands. �Sure is, Andy,� Jess confirmed. �Still some work to do with him yet though.� Jess pulled out a carrot from his pocket giving it to Spirit who crunched away happily. He remembered these from when this new friend kept on wanting to get on his back and when his good behavior would be rewarded with one of these sweet crunchy morsels. He was going to like this new home. Traveler stomped out his impatience again, trying to get his pal�s attention.

�He�s coming old fella,� Slim patted the older horse affectionately. �Going to have your work cut out with these two, Jess. This old fella certainly does love you. Have to watch he don�t get jealous.�

Traveler knew Jess always had something special for him in his left pocket. He could smell it and he nuzzled at the jacket as Jess came into his stall and affectionately kissed the soft nose. Silently Jess took out a piece of sugar giving it to his old friend. As Traveler crunched away Slim swore he could see the horse smile. Slim didn�t hold with sugar or any kind of treats. They were working horses after all. But he knew that Jess spoilt them all when he wasn�t looking. Not many people knew it but Jess was quite an old softie when it came to animals.

Spirit�s high whinny broke into Slim�s thoughts.

�No sugar for you, greedy,� Jess scolded warmly with a smile. He and Traveler had been together for a long time and sugar was something reserved only for him. Jess knew he spoilt the horses, when Slim wasn�t looking of course, but he made sure it was either apples or carrots - much to Daisy�s annoyance when she found she hadn�t enough apples for her pie baking. She scolded him severely but she couldn�t stay mad at him for long, not with those blue eyes looking so ashamedly at her.

�You spoil him, Jess,� Slim smiled at his Pard shaking his head. �In fact, you spoil them all.� Jess looked a little startled at this final comment.

�Can�t hide anything from me remember?�

�But I managed it this once, didn�t I?� and he smiled over at Andy.

Jess looked at Slim with that smile. �I know I spoil �em, just can�t help it,� he shrugged his shoulders a boyish grin on his face. �Besides this old boy and I have seen some tough times together and he�s stuck through it all with me and never complained.� Jess fondled Traveler�s mane.

Slim entered Traveler�s stall, emulating the horse by nuzzling Jess in the shoulder. Jess took his cue and patted Slim on the head, Slim continued his fooling by making horse noises and stomping his feet. Jess didn�t need any urging to join in and shoved a lump of sugar into Slim�s mouth. Slim was so surprised he almost choked and Jess trying not to laugh, had to thump him on the back till he finally managed to swallow and clear this throat.

Andy was in fits of laughter, this was what he had missed most of all. Slim and Jess horsing around with one another, acting just like a couple of kids instead of two full grown men. �This was what made their relationship so strong, and so special,� Andy thought. �They could stand beside each other and face down any danger, with a strength that was unwavering and yet were so comfortable with one another, enjoying each other�s company, living life to its fullest.

�So why�d you come out here in the cold, Jess?� Andy asked. �Here I haven�t been home for months and you desert me. Leaving me at the mercy of young Mike,� he smiled rolling his eyes. �Was I ever like that when I was his age?�

�Worse,� Slim and Jess spoke almost together, grinning broadly at one another, each remembering fondly those days when Andy was growing up.

�Come on, Jess you can play with your buddies tomorrow. Tonight you�re all mine.� Andy took hold of Jess� sleeve pulling him out of the stall and towards the door. �I only have a few days and I want to spend them all with you and Slim. After all, if it hadn�t been for you I wouldn�t be here.�

Jess put his arm around Andy�s shoulders. �Just glad we were able to manage it.� He half turned calling out to Slim. �Come on Slim, let�s go tell Mike some stories about Andy growing up,� he giggled like a kid as Andy punched him in the shoulder.

�Don�t you dare, Jess. Else I�ll have to tell Mike a few stories of my own about a certain dark haired fella we both know.� Andy ducked the hand that swung out toward him and ran for the shelter of the porch and stood there a smirking, waiting for Jess to dash after him. But Jess didn�t get a chance to.

Slim quickly walked up beside Jess putting his hand out catching him by the wrist, stopping any possible thought of chase.

�So, Jess exactly how did you manage to get Andy here for Christmas?� Slim�s look was serious and questioning.

Andy could see that something was amiss and walked out towards them. He could see that Slim had Jess by the wrist and was obviously not going to let go until he got an answer.

�Jess sent me the fare just before the ticket purchase deadline. One day later and I wouldn�t have been able to come at all.� Andy stood his ground as his brother whirled round on him.

�Jess sent you the money,� Slim repeated his tone rising as he spoke. Loosening his grip on Jess� wrist, throwing his partner�s hand away as his anger grew. Slim stepped in front of Jess. �You used your savings didn�t you, Jess, and don�t lie to me.� Angry didn�t describe the look on Slim�s face it was more like rage and disappointment all rolled into one. �First time you�d ever had anything saved in the bank, that�s what you told me. You were so proud of that achievement and you go and do something like this. What were you thinking of?�

Jess kept his temper in check he wasn�t going to get mad. He understood what Slim was feeling. Slim was the family�s provider and that was how he had been brought up. He was a proud man and found it hard to accept help from anyone. Jess knew that feeling all too well but had learnt over the last couple of years that asking for help doesn�t mean you are any less of a man. Slim had taught him that. So Jess just smiled over at Andy.

�Stubborn as a mule and twice as ornery, Andy will he never change?�

Then he turned his smile toward Slim, he knew he could get him tied in knots and diffuse the anger that Slim was feeling. �I was thinking of you, you big ox.� He went to put his hand on Slim�s shoulder but Slim brushed it aside with exasperation and walked off muttering to himself and sat on the porch. There he huddled into his jacket to alleviate the chill of the night. Jess and Andy looked after him and putting their hands in the pockets followed to where he sat and leaned against the porch rail, two pairs of eyes fixed firmly upon the ruffled figure.

�He�s not really mad he�s just having a hard time accepting that someone actually cares enough for him that they would do something like this.� Jess� thought had only been to make Christmas as happy for Slim as Slim had planned to make it for everyone else.

�What were you wishing for most of all this afternoon, Slim? And answer me honestly,� Jess said his voice gentle but demanding.

Slim shifted in the chair huddling further into his jacket, obviously uncomfortable with the question.

Jess impatient for an answer pushed away from where he was leaning and stood menacingly in front of Slim. �Come on, Slim answer me,� his voice still gentle and firm but impatient, demanding an answer.

Slim looked up and met the hard blue gaze of his Pard. �Jess you�re the only one who knew what I really wished for, and you cared enough to�� Slim�s thoughts drifted off into the darkness.

�I wished Andy could have come home so that we could all be together for Christmas.� He lowered his eyes suddenly ashamed of his anger and the way he had acted.

Jess crouched down in front of him trying to look into those now sad blue eyes. �Does it matter how your wish came true?� the familiar soft deep voice asked.

Slim shifted in his chair again. �I suppose not.�

Jess put his hands on Slim�s shoulders and pulled him up out of the chair and they stood facing one another. Jess turned to Andy and put a gloved hand on Andy�s shoulder. Andy in an old familiar way put a hand on his brother�s shoulder, then Jess�, Slim smiled meekly at his brother as he put a large hand onto Andy�s slim shoulder. Slim looked at Jess the gentle smile returning and put his other hand on Jess� shoulder squeezing it with affection. All three stood awhile feeling that special bond of family love and friendship that only they shared.

Jess winked at Slim �Now let�s go in and tell, Mike some of those stories about this young rascal.�

�Good idea, Jess,� Slim agreed as he and Jess put their arms around each other�s shoulders each throwing a rueful smile over at Andy.

�You guys!� Andy shouted from behind and pushed them both through the door as Slim opened it.

Mike rushed at them as Slim and Jess almost fell into the room. Slim picking him up in his arms as they entered. �Daisy and I thought you were never coming back in.�

Daisy came out of the kitchen, �Good you�re all here,� and disappeared into the kitchen returning with a larger than life chocolate cake.

�As I knew that something special was going to happen today, I baked a little something extra,� she smiled across at Jess.

�How did you know that something was going to happen today?� Jess quizzed her as he put an affectionate arm round her slim waist and gave her one of his quick hugs. His boyish smile more loving than usual as she put her arm around him.

�Jess Harper, don�t you know that you can�t keep a secret from me, I always know when you�re up to something,� she squeezed him lovingly.

�Okay, Daisy so how can you tell if Jess is up to something? This could be useful information for the future you know,� Slim joshed as he punched Jess fondly in the arm.

�His eyes, of course, Slim, those deep blue eyes. Why they�ve been smiling for days now.�

�Oh, so I should look into those deep blue eyes.� Slim put Mike down and moved across to Jess staring deep into Jess� eyes, grinning from ear to ear. �Oh, Jess those eyes,� Slim sighed then �Ouch,� as Jess cuffed him round the ear.

�Now boys, it�s Christmas,� Daisy said as she freed herself from Jess� grip and stood between them, although she knew that they were just horsing with one another as usual.

Slim and Jess looked at one another and started to laugh. Slim slapped Jess on the back as they turned to look at the rest of their family. Slim rested his arm across his Pard�s shoulder. Jess rubbed Slim�s back in their usual familiar fashion.

�This was what I wished for, Jess, all of us together as a family. Thank you for making my wish come true.� Slim stole a look at Jess.

As their eyes met Jess continued to gently rub Slim�s back.

�Happy Christmas, Pard.�


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