The Cat

by Arren

Chapter Six


Slim woke with a start. He had dozed off in the rocker by the fire. He looked around trying to place just what it was that woke him. After a moment, he heard it again. It sounded like the barn door was open and the wind was knocking it against the side of the barn, Slim stood up and reached for his hat and jacket. He opened the door and shrugged into his coat as he swung off the porch and headed for the barn. The full moon made a lantern unnecessary. He strode over to the barn and grabbed the flapping door. He went inside and lit a lantern just to check and be sure everything was okay. He checked on the horses, and on the other door, and then, assured that all was okay, he secured the barn and left.


As he was walking across the front of the house, he heard a horse nicker from out in the dark. None of the horses should be out of either the barn or the corral. Slim was puzzled so he walked back to the barn to get a lantern. Inside the barn door were several lanterns and a box of matches on a high shelf. He pulled down one lantern and lit it, turning to stroll out to the front paddock.


The large gate stood open and Slim slipped into the paddock and held his lantern aloft. A dozen or so yards out, he made out the figure of a horse, head low, grazing. It lifted its head as Slim approached, but didn�t run off, just quietly went back to it�s grazing. As Slim got closer a growing sense of alarm assailed him. The horse was wearing a saddle. He immediately wished he�d put on his gun belt before he left the house. That was his usual habit, but this time he had just bolted out, leaving it hanging on the peg by the door.


He blew out the lantern and carefully scanned the area, looking for any sign of the horse�s owner. Seeing nothing in the moonlight, he approached the horse, hand out, quietly clicking and murmuring so as not to startle it. Finally, he was able to grab the reins that were hanging down in the grass. He ran a hand over the horse�s forequarter and up its neck. The horse was wet and a little frothy. The bad feeling in his gut grew exponentially when he realized that this was the horse that Jess had taken this morning. It had to be. He knew Jess hadn�t taken Traveler, but really didn�t pay attention to which of the horses he had taken. In fact, this is the horse Mike had named Bob. It would make sense that Jess would take this one. He was one of the best cutting horses they had on the place.


The saddle was Jess�. Slim�s gut wrenched. He reached over the saddle and felt for the rifle scabbard. The rifle was there. Slim pulled it out and checked the magazine. Full.


Slim shoved the rifle back into the scabbard, picked up the lantern and lead the horse quickly to the barn. Inside, he lit a couple of lanterns and took the horse to an empty stall. There he unsaddled it, gave it some hay and oats, and a quick rubdown, and then headed back to the house.


It would be foolish to leave while it was still dark. All he needed was his horse stepping on something, or in something and then pulling up lame. What good would he be to Jess then? The clock on the mantle said it was one-thirty in the morning. Another five hours at least until sunrise.


Slim started thinking about what he would need. Where Jess was concerned, he hoped for the best, but planned for the worst. He pulled out blankets and supplies and started piling them on the table. He went to the kitchen and started packing some food. He knew Jess had plenty up there, but didn�t know where it was, or if he still had it at all. He must�ve made more noise than he meant to, because after a few minutes, Daisy came out of her room, tying her robe around her.


�Slim! What on earth are you doing?�


Slim pulled out a chair at the table and beckoned her to sit. After she had, he sat opposite her and put his hand on hers. �Daisy, Jess� horse came back without him tonight.�


Daisy�s hand flew to her mouth and her eyes were wide as saucers. �Oh, no.�


�I�m sure he probably just got thrown and is probably sitting snug up there in that line shack just waiting for me to come get him.� He smiled and rubbed a hand up and down her arm. He knew it was a feeble attempt at lightening the mood, but he had to try. He wanted desperately to believe it himself.


Daisy was on the verge of tears, her lips trembled. After a moment she pulled herself together. �When are you leaving?�


I figure I�ll leave about an hour before dawn. I can follow the road for the first hour and for that, the dark won�t be a problem. After I get off the road, I need daylight. It�s a hard trail, not used very often. �


�Shouldn�t you take�a wagon?�


�I wish I could.� They both silently hoped a wagon wasn�t necessary. �A wagon would never make it over that trail. It�s too rocky and steep in places. I�ll take my horse and one for him.�


�How long will it take you to get there?�


�I should be there by about noon. Sooner maybe,� he said hopefully.


It was for certain that there would be no more sleeping this night. Daisy busied herself preparing food for the trip. Slim made bedrolls and packed matches, lanterns, extra rope and anything he thought he might possibly need. By three they were both exhausted and retired to their respective rooms, but neither closed their eyes, even once. Finally around four thirty, Slim couldn�t wait any longer. He got up and pulled on his heavy coat and gloves. Daisy was already up and puttering around the kitchen.


When Slim had the horses saddled and the bags tied on the second horse�s back, Daisy came out to see him off. �Slim, please be extra careful. It�s still too early.�


�I�ll take it slow at first, Daisy.� He reached his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. �Don�t worry now. We�ll be back before you know it.�


�What shall I tell Mike?�


Slim held her out at arms length. �Just tell him I went up to help Jess bring those cattle back.�


Daisy patted Slim�s arm and stepped back so he could mount. Slim swung easily into the saddle, wrapped the second horse�s lead around his saddle horn, and slowly moved off into the darkness.


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