The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter 15

�You don�t have to...�

�Now, Jess Harper, you�re not scared are you!� The dimples in her cheeks deepened as she smiled.

�Course not but-�

�It�s only a shave.�

�I can shave myself.�

She touched the stubble. Like his hair, it was dark. �You�re just barely sitting up. And just starting to feed yourself.�

Jess quibbled, �I�m getting stronger each day.�

She smiled. �All the more reason to look respectable. Now I�ve washed your clothes. And you�ve bathed.�

He had. And just the sponge bath had taken all his strength.

�There�s only one more thing to be done. A shave.�

He nodded. �If you insist.�

�Oh I insist!� Her dimples again deepen. �Now you just lay there. I�ll do all the work.� She lathered his face.

�You sure I can trust you with that razor? You wanted to shoot me when we first met.�

�Well I�ve kind of grown accustomed to you,� she stated. �Now you just relax. Wouldn�t want you to startle me and cause me to slip with this razor.�

�Gwen!� His eyes narrowed as he studied her.

She laughed.

A grin slowly formed on Jess� face. �I reckon I can trust you.�

�I think the real question is can I trust you?� It was meant to be a tease but both looked serious at each other.

�I told you no harm will come to you or the boy.�

�I believe you, Jess,� she said softly. �Truly I do.�

He kissed her. She didn�t pull back as her face became coated with shaving cream. As they finally parted, he laughed. He touched her lips with his finger, outlining its shape.

She playfully slapped his hand away then wiped her face with her apron. �Now you behave.�

�Yes ma�am.�

�And afterwards I�ll cut your hair.�

�Oh Jonesy, always does that.�

�Who�s Jonesy?�

Jess� face paled. �I don�t know.�

Her expression softened. �Your memory will come back..�

�What if it doesn�t?� He could hide the fear from his voice.

�Would that be so awful? There�s some memories a person would like to forget.� She began shaving his face.

With each stroke of the razor, he relaxed. Her soft touch against his skin felt good. Not one time did he feel the nick of the razor.

When she finished, she wiped his face with her apron. �Well Jess Harper, now we can see the real you.� She handed him a mirror.

For a long time he studied his reflection. His eyes took in every detail of his face. �I just wish it didn�t seem like I was looking at a stranger. Who is Jess Harper?�

She reached out and squeezed his hand. �I �spect you�ll know in time.�


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The Unknown

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