The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Eighteen

Gwen entered the cabin. �Well our clothes are hanging up to dry.� She smiled at Ronnie.

Jess watched the young boy fight to stay awake. �Tiger, you think you want to go to bed?�

�Not yet,� he mumbled but soon, very soon his eyes closed.

Jess laughed softly. �Sure never thought he�d last this long.�

�He enjoys spending time with you. I think this was the best day he�s had in a long time. I�ll take him.�

�No, after fixing supper you got to be worn out too. I�ll put him to bed.� Jess gently picked the young boy up in his arms. He was gone only a few minutes. �Gwen-� he hesitated. �I�m going to leave in the morning.�

�You�ve decided?�

He nodded.

She moved close to him. Her hand touched his cheek.

He looked questioningly at her.

�Take me with you. Me and Ronnie. Please Jess. We won�t be no trouble.�

�Gwen, I don�t know-�

�Please! We can�t stay here another winter. We don�t have the supplies or even the money to buy more food. I didn�t know what I was going to do. Not until you came along. And you like me; I can tell.�

He nodded. �I do. Who wouldn�t? You�re pretty and-�

Her eyes searched his face. �Please!�

�I might have a wife and a family. And you saw the poster. I�m a wanted man. What kind of life would that be? To be on the run, always watching over your shoulder?�

�A better life than this. I�ll take my chances. And if you do remember and there is someone else, well at least we�ll be away from here. I won�t make any demands on you, Jess. I give you my word.�

�And Ronnie? You think that kind of life will be good for him?�

�You think the life he�s got now is?� she argued.

�If I had some money, I�d give you what I had but-�

�Then give us something else. Take us along. I need your help to get out of here.�

�And your husband?� Jess searched her face, looking for an answer.

Her eyes avoided his. �I think I would know if he was alive. But I�ve had a feeling for a long time that he weren�t. He�d have come home by now if he was. And if he is alive, then that means he has abandoned us. Either way Ronnie and me are on our own.�

�But Gwen...�

�Please, Jess. Please! If not for me. For Ronnie. I know you like children. I can tell. You�re patient with him and always willing to listen and talk to him. Please don�t leave us here!�

Jess replied, �I don�t know...�

�If you take me, I�ll be good to you.� Her fingernail outlined his lips. �Real good.� She started to kiss him.

He turned his head away. �If I take you, you don�t have to do anything for me,� he said with anger. �I ain�t that kind of man.� At least he thought he wasn�t.

�It�s been a long time, Jess. You felt what I felt at the pond. So far we�ve only kissed. If it goes further then it�s �cause I want to. And I�m hoping you�re wanting what I�m feeling.�

His lips claimed hers. And she responded.


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The Unknown

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