The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Twenty Three

Gwen packed as if a tornado was on the way. Morning wouldn�t come too soon for her. As she packed; she hummed a tune. She was leaving! She was finally leaving this place! She thought about Jess. She liked him. Maybe she didn�t love him. But that didn�t matter. He was taking her away from this place! Oh if her Ma knew what she was doing. But she had to think of the boy. They just couldn�t survive on this land any longer. And she would do what she had to do to survive.

Last night...she knew it had been wrong. Until she knew about her husband, she was married. Still part of her had craved Jess� touch. He had been kind and gentle. Never asking, but always accepting and even welcoming what she was offering. He was a much better lover than her husband had been. She figured this was a man who had lived, despite his young age. She wondered how old he was. She guessed that she was few years older but not much. And he did like Ronnie. No, she could do worse. She prayed that he didn�t have a family.


She jumped, startled to hear a voice. To hear that voice.

�I�m sorry I didn�t mean to frighten you.�

She had been so deep in thought that she hadn�t heard him. It was Jess� friend.

�I�m Slim Sherman. I rode in with the sheriff..�

�I know who you are. What do you want?�

Slim stepped inside the cabin. �Nice place.� His eyes traveled around. �I just wanted to describe Jess in case you did see him. But looks like you�re leaving.�

She said nothing.

�Guess it must be a hard life for a woman out here.� Slim studied her.

�We manage.�

Slim�s eyebrows rose hearing �we.� �Sheriff told me that your husband has been gone for awhile.�

�If you�re thinking I�m alone!�

�Aren�t you?� Slim�s eyes traveled the cabin.

She bit back her words. �My son is here.�

Slim moved to the back of the cabin.

She knew Jess and Ronnie had gone back to the pond. Ronnie wouldn�t leave without his few belongings. His Pa had made the fishing poles. She quickly calculated how long it would take for them to reach the pond and come back. Maybe Ronnie would talk and delay Jess. No, Jess was anxious to leave now that the sheriff had come by. But Jess still moved slower than normal. She knew that. She could tell that he was still favoring his wounded leg.

�How old is your son?�


The back door was open to allow air to circulate in the cabin. Slim glanced out the back door. And what he saw made him gasp. Slim moved quickly. She followed on his heels, fearing that he had seen Jess in the distance. But Jess and Ronnie were no where in sight. It was a shirt hanging on the line to dry that caught Slim�s attention.

�Where is he?�

�I don�t know who you�re talking about.�

�This is a man�s shirt.�

�My husband�s!� she explained.

�You always wash clothes for a man that�s gone?�

�I used it as an apron and...�

�Jess don�t have many shirts. I recognize it. He was wearing it when he left Laramie.�

�That was my husband�s shirt. I�m sure there are several shirts that look alike, especially with that material.�

Slim grabbed the shirt off the clothes line. �And do they all have a bullet hole in the arm?�

Her eyes opened wide with panic.

Slim spoke his words as if firing bullets, �If you got any decency in you, you�ll tell me. �Cause back in Laramie a young boy�s crying his eyes out because he believes that Jess is dead. A young boy that already lost his Ma and...�

She asked, not hiding her fear, �Jess has a family?�

�He�s got people who care. That�s why I�m searching for him.�

She couldn�t think about the child that he called Andy. She had to think only about the welfare of her own child. �I don�t know where Jess is,� she lied.

�I want to know where he is. Where is he, ma'am?�

She sat down in a swing that hung from a tree. �My husband made this for me. Thought it would make life easier here. It didn�t.�

�Ma�am, I want to know where Jess is,� Slim insisted.

�Please, if he�s wanted, give him a chance to get away.�

�Jess ain�t wanted!�

Her eyes flew to his face. �But I saw the poster!�

�That�s an old one. Jess served his time. His papers are back in town in his bag.�

�But the sheriff thinks Jess robbed the stage.�

�From what the sheriff told me. You�d agree with me that the sheriff is a fool. I told you that Jess didn�t rob the stage. He was a guard on that stage. He works for the Great Central Overland stage line.�

�All this time Jess thought-�

Slim yanked her out of the swing. �I�m a mighty patient man. And I won�t hurt a woman. But when it comes to Jess-you best tell me where he is. Now!�

�Please! Don�t spoil this. Please! He and I plan to start a new life. He�s not missing his old life because he can�t remember.�

Puzzlement creased Slim�s face. �Can�t remember? What are you saying?�

She said nothing.

He gave her one hard shake as his grip tightened. �Tell me. What are you saying?�

�He can�t remember! Not even his own name! He hit his head during the robbery. He doesn�t remember his life in Laramie. And he�s happy with this new one. So please...�

�Is he happy? He thinks he�s an outlaw. How happy can he be watching over his shoulder?�

�I�ll tell him the truth. I promise. Once we get to Mexico,� she bargained

Slim�s eyes narrowed with anger. �Don�t you think he�ll want to come home and see what his home is like? You�re lying to me, Mrs. Jackson. You might even be lying about Jess having amnesia.�

�No! I swear, I�m not! He can�t remember. Please! Go away! I have to get out of this place! My son needs to leave here! We both do!�

�Sounds to me like Jess don�t need you; but you need Jess. All you want is to be rescued.�

Her eyes darkened with rage. �Well Jess is gone! I�m supposed to meet him! And I�ll never tell you where! So you ride out of here! I don�t want you on my spread!� She tried to jerk away from his hold.

Slim grabbed her tighter. His fingers pressed into her flesh so deep that her skin botched. �You ain�t going nowhere. Until I know where Jess is! And I want to know now! Or so help me God woman or no woman, I�ll-� Slim was shoved so hard that he fell to the ground. The kick to his side caused pain to shoot throughout his body.

�Gwen, get Ronnie in the house!� Jess ordered.

�Jess, what are you going to do?� Gwen asked.

�Teach this here fellow some manners. Now get Ronnie in the house!�

Gwen grabbed Jess� arm. �Jess, no! Just tie him up. And we�ll leave. We don�t even need to pack.�

Jess�s voice was deadly as he ordered, �Get in the house! And take the boy! Now!�

She saw it was useless to argue. So she grabbed Ronnie�s hand and practically dragged him inside the cabin.

�Get up!� Jess yelled to Slim.

Slim began, �Jess-�


Slim slowly stood. His side throbbed with pain. .

�You got a gun. You�re going to use it!�

Slim�s eyes opened wide. �I ain�t drawing against you!�

�Then you�re going to die. �Cause I�m going for my gun.�

Slim saw Jess� hand open and close near the butt of his revolver. The look on Jess� face was hard and angry. A bead of sweat rolled down Slim�s back. Slim said quickly, �Let me explain-�

�I saw all the explanation that I needed. You shouldn�t have touched her. You shouldn�t have rough housed her.�

�I didn�t! I was just trying to get her to tell me where you were!�

�Well now you know. And you�re going to wish you never found me. You got ten seconds to draw. After that I�m drawing. And I�m aiming to kill you.� Jess took a step backwards. His feet slightly parted, his hand hung over his pistol. �Anytime, mister.�

The face was Jess. But Slim knew he was facing a stranger. Slim said hurriedly, �It�s Slim.�

�I know who you are.�

Slim�s eyes narrowed with confusion. �You do? She told me that you couldn�t remember.�


�If you remember, then why would you...�

�Quit stalling!�

�You don�t remember, do you?� Slim�s eyes searched frantically Jess� face.

�Go ahead, draw your gun. You got three seconds left.�

�I guess I got no choice.� Slim�s hand moved close to his revolver. He knew how fast Jess was. He knew he was no match. But he didn�t know what else to do. For there was no doubt that the man he was facing wanted to kill him. �I sure wish you�d let me talk to you,� he said as he tried desperately to think of what to say to get the old Jess back. He stepped backwards to put more distance between himself and Jess. Slim�s hand stayed close to his gun. Another step. Jess always said to drop and roll. Maybe if Slim took a third step backwards, he suddenly stumbled, his foot hitting against something. For a second he looked down, not wanting to lose his footing. Without thinking he reached for the object that he had tripped over.

�What are you doing?� Jess demanded, his eyes glued to Slim�s every movement.

Slim held up the pocket watch. �It dropped out of my pocket when you pushed me.�

�You just delaying what you know is going to happen. Now are you going to draw or am I?�

Slim held out his hand, offering the watch to Jess. �It�s yours.�

Jess didn�t move.

�Look on the back. It has your name.� Slim tossed Jess the watch.

�You�re trying to distract me,� Jess snarled, making no attempt to catch the watch. As the watch hit the ground hard at his feet, Jess barked, �Well it won�t work because-� Jess� head jerked as if he had been hit. His lips quivered. The fall had caused the watch�s case to open. And now Jess listened to the music, �Home Sweet Home.� He listened so hard that he forgot about Slim being there. He bent down and picked up the watch. He turned it over, reading the inscription on the back.

�That watch is yours.�

�I know that, Slim!� Jess mumbled as he studied the watch. �Best birthday present I ever got.�

Slim looked as if cold water had been thrown on him. �What did you say?�

Jess looked at Slim. Instead of a stranger, Jess saw a friend. Jess touched his head. The headache had returned, but not as severe. He sat down on the road, his legs feeling as if they could no longer support him. . Dust engulfed Jess.

Slim raced to Jess. �You all right?�.

�I remember.� Jess looked up at Slim. �Slim?�

A slow smile spread across Slim�s face. He gave a slow nod.

Jess turned the watch over. He read out loud, �Jess...Laramie.� He said softly, �My home.�

�It sure is!�

�I work there. At the Sherman Relay Station.�

�You sure do. In between drinking coffee,� Slim teased. �You remember?�

�I remember. I sure do, Slim. I remember my home and you...and Jonesy...and Andy.� Jess glanced down at the gun he held. He dropped it as if the metal had burnt his hand. �I was going to-forgive me.�

Slim had never heard Jess apologize. He stared open mouth at Jess.

�How could I...� Jess� head dropped, refusing to look at Slim. �How could I draw against you? All you�ve done for me. What was I thinking?�

Slim squatted down beside Jess. �You didn�t know. You�ve always been tendered hearted about women. Jess, I never hurt that woman.�

�You don�t have to tell me that. I know you. Slim, I do know you! I remember...everything. Even the robbery.� Jess grimaced. �If you hadn�t shown up; we were going to Mexico. I thought I was wanted. She was going to help me escape. She helped me after the robbery. Nursed me back to health. I couldn�t remember. She was my friend, someone I could trust and...�

�Jess, she knew who you were. And she knew that the law wasn�t after you.�

The shock on Jess� face caused Slim to grasped his friend�s arm. �You all right?�

�She knew?�

Slim nodded.

�I trusted her.�

The sound of the door opening caused both men to look. Gwen stared back. She didn�t have to ask. She could tell that Jess remembered. Slowly she shut the cabin door.


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The Unknown

Chapter Twenty-Four
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