The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Epilogue

It was late. Near midnight. Everyone in the house had gone to bed hours ago.

Andy Sherman quietly opened the bedroom door. He glanced from Slim�s bed to Jess� bed. He moved silently to the bed that Jess slept in and for a few seconds he listened to Jess� snoring.

"Andy, what are you doing?� Slim sat up in bed. �Something wrong? Why ain�t you in bed? It�s late.�

Andy quietly tip toed to Slim�s bed. He sat down, his bare feet swaying. �I just wanted to see.�

�See what?�

�I just had to see that Jess really is back. I had to know that I wasn�t dreaming.�

A smile crossed Slim�s tan face. �I�ve had to pinch myself a couple of times too to be sure I wasn�t dreaming.�

�Slim, we are like a family, ain�t we? You, me, Jonesy, and Jess.�

�I�d say we are a family. And we�re going to be a sleepy family if you don�t let us get some shut-eye.�

Andy smiled. �Night, Slim,� he said as he stood. He started for the door.

�By the way...�

Andy turned with curiosity on his young face.

�I spoke to Mose as Jess and I were changing the horses. He said you handled yourself real well while Jonesy and I were gone. He said that Gandy didn�t hardly help at all with getting the horses changed. And he didn�t either. That you did a man�s work while we were gone. I�m real proud of you.�

A grin broke out on Andy�s face. �Guess I�m growing up, huh?�

�I reckon you are at that.�

Andy moved closer, holding his hand for Slim to shake. �Goodnight, Slim.�

Slim suddenly grabbed his younger brother and bear hugged him. �You ain�t so grown up that I can�t give you a goodnight hug.�

Andy changed from a man to a boy as he giggled.

�Shhhh!� Slim said quickly. �You�ll wake up Jess.� Slim ruffled his brother�s hair. �Sleep well, Andy.�

�With Jess finally home, I know I finally will. �Night.�


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