The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Four

Mort Corey knocked on the door of the Sherman Relay Station. Slim greeted the sheriff with a smile. �I never expected to see you this time of night. Come on in! What brings you out here?�

Entering the house, Mort nodded a greeting to Jonesy. He then gave a quick glance to Andy, who was sitting at the table studying a book.

�Howdy, Mort,� Jonesy welcomed. �I bet you�d like some hot coffee on a night like this. Andy, you been reading that history for some time. Why don�t you slide over so Mort can sit. Mort, I think I still got a piece of pie left from supper and-�

Mort cut in, �Andy, you mind if I talk to Slim and Jonesy alone?�

Andy�s eyes darkened with suspicion. �Something wrong?�

�Please, Andy.�

It was the first time that any could remember Mort using the word �please.�

�Something is wrong,� Andy said. He moved close to Slim.

�Andy, why don�t you go out to the barn and brush Traveler?� Slim suggested, but his eyes never left Mort�s face. �I know you promised Jess you�d do that each night and you ain�t done it yet.�

But Andy didn�t move. �Traveler can wait. No Slim, I ain�t going nowhere.�

�Andy-� Slim started to argue.

But Andy cut in with his own argument, �Slim, you said I�m part owner of this place. If something is wrong, then I got a right to know. And something must be awful wrong for Mort to come calling this late. So Mort, tell us.� Andy crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

Mort looked at Slim, who just nodded.

�I don�t know how to say this,� Mort began. �Ain�t no easy way. And I tried to think what words I could use all the time I was riding out here. But there just ain�t none to make this any easier. So I�ll just come right out and say it. Jess is dead.�

Andy jerked as if he had been struck. He screamed out, �No! You�re lying!�

�Andy! You know Mort don�t lie,� Slim�s voice shook with pain. �Mort, what happened?�

�Stage robbery. Weren�t no survivors.�

�They killed Jess?...The passengers?� Jonesy�s face was pale from shock. �But most robberies-�

�I know,� Mort agreed. �But something must have gone awful wrong. Both Jess and the driver were killed.�

�You sure it�s Jess?� Slim asked.

Mort nodded. �Everyone�s been identified. Sheriff wired me. Got the wire tonight. I rode right out here. The sheriff said he has Jess� bag and his pocket watch. He can put it on the stage for you.�

�I don�t believe it!� Andy tore out of the cabin.

Mort�s face molded into guilt. �I�m sorry, Slim. I didn�t want the boy to know like this. But I couldn�t think of a way to tell that wouldn�t hurt.�

�Slim, you better go to Andy,� Jonesy instructed Slim. �He needs you right now.�


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The Unknown

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