The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Six

Slim never expected Mort to still be in the cabin when he and Andy at last returned.

�Slim, you two all right?� Mort asked, his face drawn with worry.

Slim nodded but he couldn�t speak. And he couldn�t hide the embarrassment from his face. There was no denying that his eyes were red from weeping.

�Andy, why don�t you go to bed now?� Jonesy asked, his own eyes misty.

�What about Jess?� Andy asked.

Mort glanced with uncertainly at Jonesy. �I�ve told you all that I know. The Sheriff said he�d send along the items that Jess had with him.�

Andy fought back his tears as he explained, �I mean....well we got to bury him.�

�Oh,� Mort said, again glancing with uncertainly at Jonesy. �I reckon they�ll bury him in Carter Springs.�

�That�s where it happened?� Slim asked.

�Right outside,� Mort informed.

�You know that, sheriff?� Slim questioned.

Mort shook his head no.

�Jess belongs here,� Andy stated. �Along side Ma and Pa.�

Slim looked taken aback. �Andy, I don�t-�

�He�s right, Slim,� Jonesy cut in. �I hate to think of Jess lying in some unmarked grave in some boot hill. We need to bring him home to rest. Maybe not in our plot-�

�Jonesy!� Andy criticized angrily.

��Cause I�m thinking,� Jonesy said, paying no attention to Andy�s outburst, �that Jess always favored that springs, you know the one, Slim. Up by the canyon. He�d go there sometimes just to sit and fish. I bet he�d like to be buried there, under one of them trees that I�d catch him napping under when he was suppose to be working.�

Slim glanced at Mort. �Mort, when you get back to Laramie could you wire the sheriff and tell him that we�ll bury Jess here?�

�Be glad to.�

Slim pulled from his pocket a couple of bills.

�No Slim,� Mort said with a shake of his head. �Jess was my friend too. I�ll pay for the telegram. It�s the least I can do for him. I�m just glad you�re bringing him home.�


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The Unknown

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