The Unknown

by Patricia Henry

Chapter Eight

The stage had long been gone, when Slim led his horse Alamo from the barn. As soon as he step out from the barn, Slim�s face lit into surprise as he saw Jonesy sitting in the buckboard. �Where you heading out to?� Slim greeted.

�Carter Springs,� Jonesy announced.

Slim�s short temper busted into rage. �You gone loco! You know I�m going there.�

�And I�m going along with you,� Jonesy stated, not backing down but staring back just as hard at Slim.

�What do you mean you�re going? Who�s going to take care of the relay station?� Slim asked.

�You can�t go by yourself!� Jonesy protested. �You ain�t in any shape to-�

�I can do this!� Slim said. �And I will do this. Alone! You and Andy need to stay here and change the horses and take care of the passengers. We can�t loose this relay station.�

�What makes you think we�re going to loose it if I go along?� Jonesy argued. �Andy can take care of this place.�

Andy moved from the porch to stand beside the buckboard. �I sure can, Slim. Me and Jonesy talked it over and-�

�Oh you did, did you?� Slim snapped. �Well I don�t care what you two decided. I�m going alone!�

�You think that we don�t know you�re hurting, too?� Jonesy asked. �If you go alone, who�s going to take care of you?�

�I don�t need no nursemaid!�

Jonesy looked insulted. �No but you need a friend. And right now we�re the ones you got! And with that temper of yours you might just find out that you ain�t got us either!�

�You sound just like Jess and-� Slim swallowed the rest of his words. His voice gentled as he said, �Jonesy, if you go, who�s going to take care of the stage? We ain�t got enough money to pay someone. We spent most of what we saved on that pocket watch.�

�Slim, I can do this!� Andy stated. �You keep thinking of me as a kid; yet you say I own half of this ranch and relay station.�

�I just think it would be better if Jonesy stayed and helped you. Changing stage horses can be a two man operation.�

�You told me this morning you did it by yourself without Jess and you didn�t need my help,� Jonesy shot back.

At the mention of Jess� name, Slim�s face turned angry. �This is crazy! Now I�ve decided,� Slim snapped. �I�m going alone.�

�And how you plan to get the body back?� Jonesy countered.

�I...I guess I didn�t plan that far. But I�ll get Jess back here.�

Jonesy leaned forward, the reins dangling in his hands. �That�s just it. You ain�t thinking straight.�

�Me? Why I can get there faster on a horse than a buckboard. You�ll only slow me down.�

�You�ll need a buckboard when you get to Carter Springs.�


�To haul Jess� body back.�

Slim swallowed hard.

Jonesy continued, �Now you quit your worrying, �cause it�s time Andy took on some responsibility. You got to let go and let Andy help now that Jess ain�t around. Slim, you can�t always be in charge.�

�Jonesy, this stage line is important! It�s our livelihood.�

�And Jess is important too!�

�I said I�m going. What more do you want from me?� Slim tied his horse to the hitching post. �You got food for me to take along?� He entered the cabin without even waiting for an answer.

�He�s got to be the most stubborn-� Jonesy mumbled as he climbed down from the buckboard.

�Don�t give up, Jonesy!� Andy encouraged.

�Oh I already made my mind up!� Jonesy said with determination as he entered the cabin, with Andy following on his heels. �Slim, what are you doing?�

Slim placed the items on the table. �I got to have food to take along, don�t I? It�ll take me a couple of days to get there.�

�I already got supplies in the buckboard.�

�Well get them in my saddlebags.�

�I done told you, I�m going to Carter Springs. Now we can ride together or I�ll just follow you..�

�Now hold on!� Slim said facing Jonesy with so much anger that Andy took a step backwards. �You�re both acting like I�m some-�

�Slim, Jess was my friend too.� Jonesy suddenly silenced. He turned away quickly.

�Jonesy?� Slim questioned.

�I�m going to get a cup of coffee,� he said as he started for the kitchen.

Andy started to follow but Slim grabbed his arm. He said nothing, only shook his head no.

They waited until Jonesy returned. His hand trembled slightly as he held a cup of coffee. �You know how many times I complained about making coffee for Jess? I think he used to drink the pot dry. And now--guess I made too much coffee this morning. Pot�s still full. You�d think I�d know better. But...Never thought I�d get so attached to one of Andy�s strays. I tell you, boys, that I want to see who ever did this hung from the highest tree in Carter Springs. Slim, I�ve made my mind up. I�m going along.�

Slim�s eyes traveled from the older man to his younger brother. �Andy, taking care of the horses and keeping this ranch going is an awful big job for someone so young.�

�I know. But I�ve changed the horses before. Remember when you and Jess had to drive the cattle to the southern pasture. I did it then. And there was that time that you and Jess-�

�All right!� Slim snapped.

Andy glanced with worry at Jonesy. Then asked Slim, �You angry �cause I mentioned Jess� name and what you two did and-�

Slim ran his hand through his hair. �No! I just know when I�m beat, that�s all. Looks like no matter what I say, Jonesy is going to do what he wants to do.�

Jonesy nodded.

Slim added, �But on the way to Carter Springs, I�m stopping in Laramie. I�m going to ask Mort to check in on you from time to time.�

�Slim, I don�t need no-�

�And I�m going ask Gandy to come stay.�

�But Slim-� Andy started to protest.

�Just to help out,� Slim added quickly.

Andy�s face twisted into a huge frown. �I don�t need-�

�Wait a minute, Andy,� Jonesy said. �Slim ain�t going to let go completely of the reins. For him to let you take care of the place while we�re gone, well, I think Slim is doing good agreeing. Andy, you go along with Mort riding out here every now and then.�

Andy gave a quick nod. The look of anger on his face mirroring the look of anger on Slim�s face.


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The Unknown

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