Rohingya to English Dictionary I  

í                         (a vowel character with hard sound) 
i                         (a vowel character with soft sound)
íba                     (that one; she: far away)
ibá                     (this one; she: near by)
íbar                    (for her: far away)
ibár                    (for her: near by)
íballa                  (for her: far away )
ibálla                  (for her: near by)
íballói                 (with her: far away )
ibállói                 (with her: near by)
íbattú                 (is her: far away)
ibáttu                 (is her: near by)
ibirot                  (getting lessons)
ibiroti                 (of getting lessons)
Iblís                   (Satan)
Ibrahím              (Prophet Abraham)
ic                       (plowing tools) 
icára                  (traffic light)
icáraté                ([talking] with sign)
Idd                    (Eid holiday day)
idgáñ                  (place of Eid prayer)
idí                      (Eid day gifts)
Idiris                  (common Muslim name in Asia)
idhiyéth              (Idiot, stupid)
iftar                    (breakfast)
íin                       (that one)
iín                       (this one)
íinór                   (for those)
iínór                   (for these)
ijat                     (freedom)
íkka                   (that way)
ikká                   (this way)
íkkar                  (belong to that)
ikkár                  (belong to this)
íkkai íkkai          (crying in deep sorrow)
ikkár                  (from here)
íkkar                  (from there)
ikkinígorí            (for a little)
ikkinísa              (little)
Íkra                   (the first Sura revealed)
Ikwethar            (Equator)
Ila                      (god in Arabic)
ilebile                 (IA & BA degree)
ilímmas               (a kind tasty fish)
Iliyas                  (the prophet Eliyas)
imam                  (guider for prayer)
iman                   (faith)
imandár              (faithful)
imandari             (in faith)
imane-amane      (with full trust)
imanwala            (people with faith)
imouti                 (of leading the prayer)
Incá Allah           (by God will)
ínca                    (looking down others)
incúaréns            (insurance)
Indía                  (India country)
indíde                 (give/enter/push in this way)
indila                  (like this)
Indunisía             (Indonesia)
Ingilíc                 (English)
Ingrazi                (English language)
inkar                  (deny)
Ínlé lake             (famous lake in Burma)
Ínná Lillá            (to God return)
ínquiri                 (inquiry)
insáb                  (justice)
insábi                 (of justice)
insáf                   (justice)
insán                  (human being)
intán                   (exam)
ínti                      (in that channel)
intí                      (in this channel)
íntu                     (in that way)
intú                     (in this way)
Inus                    (common Rohingya people's name)
Iran                    (Iran country)
Iraq                    (Iraq country)
írr                       (flowing water little by little)
isa-árk               (a kind of vegetable)
isamas                (shrimp)
Isáq                   (common Rohingya people's name)
ísab                    (account; mathematic)
isar                     (no rule; no discipline)
isarbisar             (no rule; no discipline)
Ismail                 (Prophet Ishmael)
issá                    (wishes)
issar                   (breakfast)  
issari                  (breakfast food)
istiri                    (ironing)
Isúb                   (the prophet Yousub)
Itali                    (Italy country)
ítantú                  (bed head site)
ítara                   (they: far away)
itará                   (they: near by)
ítarallá                (for they: far away)
itarallá                (for they: near by)
ítarattú                (are they: far away)
itarattú                (are they: near by)
íte                      (he: far away)
ite                      (he: near by)
ittar                    (now; right now)
íya                     (participate in collective work)
íyal                     (noticing)
íyan                    (that one)
iyán                    (this one)
íyanot                 (at there)
iyánot                 (in here)
íyantú                 (in that place; in that point)
iyántú                 (in this place; in this point)
izab                    (engagement for marriage)
ízara                   (man without fertility) 
izubizu                (deep forest)
izzoitta                (of good dignity)
izzot                   (dignity)
izzoti                  (of good behaviors)
izzotdar              (people of having dignity)
izzotwala            (people of having dignity)

**About 150 words**  Updated: May 25, 2006.     Homepage: