2nd League Round

-          Swakopmund –

-          19 June 2004 –

-          SKW VERY DOMINAT –

The second League round of the National Fistball League was played this weekend in Swakopmund and it seems that SKW used the long break the best of all teams, as both teams in the first league stayed unbeaten, as well their 3rd team.

Surprise leader SKW 2 maintained their unbeaten record and stayed on top of the log, with Andrea Beiter in Defence and Michael Baas on Spike in superb form. SKW 1 leapfrogged into second position, with a clean sheet on the day, whilst Cohen 1 lost 2 vital games and dropped down to 4th now. Swakop 1 and Swakop 2 A are still very much in contention.

In the National B League Cohen 3 is still unbeaten, same as SKW 3 and it looks like the title will be contested between these two teams only.

What is however very encouraging for all, is the amount of new youngsters joining this Sport and it looks like the future for Fistball is very much settled.

The next league round will be played 17th July in Windhoek


Press-Release 02/04


Season Openings Tournament


“ SKW dominates again “



The Fistball Openings Tournament held this weekend in Swakop started in the same way as it ended last season, with SKW being the club to set the tone, as they managed to have 3 teams  out of the their four teams entered playing in the finals, with two Cup wins.


In the A category 8 teams entered, playing in two groups of 4, and  Swakop and SKW  dominated the prelim rounds, with SKW 1 ( playing for the first time with new signing Stefan Groggily from Switzerland ) being awesome, winning against all teams, including SKW 2, with quite healthy margins. The same applied to Swakop 1, who only struggled against Cohen 1 a bit. In the two Semi-finals SKW 1 easily beat Swakop 2, and in the second Semi-final, SKW 2 surprised Swakop 1, and won with 5 points. The SKW 2 was playing with three under 17 Youngsters, boosted by the two Veterans Michael Baas and Harald Fülle.

Therefore, the final was a SKW affair, and SKW 1 made it quite clear from the beginning, that there was no team on that day, able to stop them and won by 11 points.

In the losers round, Cohen 1 managed to win the Plate against Swakop 2 b by 15 points.


In the be B category, 6 teams participated, and after the prelim Aries,  Cohen 4 and SKW 4 emerged as the two Top teams, to play the final. The final was a very intense affair, and after 2 x 15 minutes both teams were equal on points, and so extra time of  2 x 5 minutes had to decide the winner, and here SKW proved, that the pre- season build was on track, as their superior fitness proved to be too much for the Cohen side, and eventually lost by 5 points.


The standard of the tournament was unusually for the beginning of the season and all clubs are really putting in a lot of effort and one can expect a very high quality and intense season coming up.



Yours In Fistball


Harald Fülle


Tel: 3204999 ( w )


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