Name: Zell Dincht Age: 17 Birthdate: March 17 Height: 5'5" Blood Type: B Weapon: Gloves Occupation: Garden Student Special Attack: Duel A hyper-active rich kid with an attitude, Zell is overly open to people and not one to hold back what's on his minds. He seems to fear very little, or nothing at all, and rarely ever takes the time to consider the consequence before he acts. In short he is a recluse, but he can fight. In the beginning, Zell and Squall are merely acquintances, and Squall being the anti-social type he is, they have yet to actually engage one another in meaningful converstion. Zell has attempted to approach Squall, but everytime he finds himself at a disadvantage. After the Graduation Ceremony, however, Squall and Zell become close friends on their journey to discover that is behind the attack on the Dollet System, and who this witch Edea is. The Official Exceprt from Squaresoft An incredible martial artist. Aspiring to become like his grandfather who was once a soldier, Zell entered Garden at the age of 13. Not being one that thinks matters through, he is known to act on impulse rather than reasoning. At heart, however, he is an honest young man who takes things seriously.
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