
This is a picture taken after a day of fun in the mud in the mountains. Jordan's jeep is a little muddy as you can see. This would also be the day that Russ scored his first traffic improper lane change in Blairesville will cost you $87.50. None the less, we still had a whole bunch of fun.

This is a picture taken on liberty island. The bigger kid is Mr.Lambeth, our high school band director.

This picture was taken at our high school graduation. Nic and me were headed out with our fresh new diplomas.

This is me and my buddy Jordan just before our senior prom. We were headed to get our dates. Don't we just look pretty. The dance is a whole other story in itself.

Jordan, Tripp, Michael, and me somewhere in Central Park

Alison and Kristin on a ferry to or from the Statue of Liberty

Michael, Nic and Jeremy playing X-box

Bunch of us at Katie's House

Jeremy and me at the Christmas Party

Karen and Lauren in my car

Jordan and I after our senior prom

Katie and me at the Christmas party

Me and Karen at the Christmas party

Kristin and me at the Christmas party

Me and Michael at the Christmas party

Me and Nic at the Christmas Party. Nic was completely sober in this picture but he looks rather happy with his minature remote control car antenna.

Michael and me just before I head off to the dance

A very cool picture of me taken by Lauren

North Hall High School Marching Band Seniors 2002

Tripp and Jordan on their very last day of public education

