Alan Peach

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Our Special Friends at Petsburgh


Great Friends,4 legged and 2 legged


Thank You So Very Much Paula

We send you lots of kitty kisses

We were thrilled when we received this in our e-mail

Paula is one of the outstanding community leaders of the Petsburgh Stables.Paula is the first person that we met at Petsburgh.She has been so very kind to us.

spoiled pets

Thank You so much Patty and the Realm of Spoiled Pets

We kittys send you kitty kisses,Patty

Patty is another wonderful community leader of the Petsburgh Community.She gave this to us before we had out very own site.We had to share a site with our human mommy.Since we now have our own site we think Patty wouldn't mind if we put this on our site instead of sharing it with our human mommy. Patty gave it to us and not our human mommy. *Grin*

site of week

We kittys send you kitty kisses,Paula

Wow! Did we ever purr when Paula notified us that we won the Pet Site of the Week. Baby and I are handling it like the *adults* that we are but those little ones are meowing with glee. What can I say about kitty cat babies. Just plain silly.Anyway,our entire kitty family wants to thank the committee for selecting this family of 8 kittys as the winner.We are thrilled beyond words.We will put it here so you can see how purrty it is. Click on the award and you can be part of our comunity too.

Wow! It is great to have our own site.Our human mommy has no control over what goes on these pages now. We will let everyone know how fantastic kittys and doggies are. Oh! She always told people that we were special but she talked a lot about her human kids too. There will be no talk about human kids on here,maybe a little, but not much.


Thank you so very much Sandi

We send you lots of kitty kisses,Sandi

Those lovable babies of me and Baby have done it again.They received a most beautiful award from Sandi.Don't you love that name? Our human mommy said if she would have had another little girl she would have named her Sandi. Here is our beautiful award from team leader, Sandi.
We hope our human mommy dosen't get jealous cause we are getting these pretty awards.Afterall,we are much, much cuter and cuddlier than she is.

Sandi is one of the community leaders at Petsburgh.She and the other team leaders are definitely the cream of the crop. Sandi is always ready to lend a helping hand to any homesteader.That's what they call us. Humans are so silly sometimes. We do run this big old house so I guess we could be called homesteaders.Our humans think they are the boss but we just let them think that to make them feel more confident.
Meow! We feel like we just got a big old belly rub and massage.We feel so good cause today June 10 is our human mommy's birthday.Her human kids had a picnic for her.They even had cake and presents.We were not to be outdone cause when our human mommy got home we met her at the door all meowing at once.Come see what we have for you we cried.She came in the room where she has the computer.We had checked the e-mail for her while she was out gallavanting around.She sometimes forgets to do that and it gets all piled up.There it was! An e-mail from Paula again telling us kittys that we had won the Pride of Pestburgh award.We showed it to our human mommy and she picked all of us up and cuddled us.That was our birthday present to our human mommy.I hope that Paula and the other teamleaders don't mind that we told her it was for her.We are not selfish kittys and it is nice to share.

We want to thank Paula,and all the team leaders at Petsburgh and all the nice human people that voted for us.You made 8 kittys so very happy and we got to make our human mommy happy too. Below is our most precious and special award.Thank You

pride petsburgh

Well,today is June 16th and it was a scary stormy day.When we checked the mail we found an award from team leader,Lisa. She brought lots of sunshine into our house today.Here is what our friend and leader sent to me,Baby and our babies.


Thank you so much Lisa

Lisa ia another great Petsburgh Team Leader

We recently joined the Petsburgh Stables Community.We hope in the future to meet many more nice humans and kitties,maybe even a few doggies.

We have been so busy playing and having fun that we haven't been on the computer for a few days.It is kind of hot in the room that our human mommy has the computer, we would much rather take a lazy cat nap on a hot day then be typing.When we did check the e-mail again we found a most beautiful award from Lisa and all her sweet furrbabies.Don't you love the name the humans call all of us.Furrbabies,we love to be called that.We want to thank Lisa so much.She is a special friend of ours at Petsburgh.Isn't the kitty in the award one of the cutest furrbabies you ever saw?


Thank you so very much Lisa and all the furrbabies

Lots of kitty kisses to Lisa and all her furrbabies.

We have been away from the computer for a while,our little paws got so tired doing all the typing. When we checked the email we were so very surprised cause we got a wonderful Surprise from a very special lady.She had been to our home on the web and liked us so much that she sent us a very beautiful award. Her name is Joan. Isn't that a pretty name? Below is what she sent to us. She is a Petsbugh leader and also a friend to all the little animals.


Thank You so very much Joan

You have brought many kitty purrs into our life today

Lots of kitty kisses to Joan and all of her furrbabies

Do you know what is so great about Petsburgh? It gives all of us animals a chance to meet other little animals. We get to have our very own sites on the net.They are usually much more interesting than the human sites.It is for sure they are the cutest.Who can resist a little kitty or doggie or any little animal for that matter.Yes, all animals are Purrfectly Marvelous.

Geocites is a wonderful place to have a website and the Petsburgh community is the top of the line.If you are a member of geocities and have a pet why not join one of the many communities in Petsburgh.


Petsburgh Stables

kitty line

Baby came into the room and said the kitties are getting restless.They are in the basket playing with our human mommy's yarn. We better go and take care of them.

While we are busy rounding up our babies,we think it is time for you kittys to show your humans you can do the chow chow.Music for kittys and their humans too.


kitty line

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Site Map Purrfect Pets~Marvelous Meows

Purrty Please Vote For Us
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kitty line




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