>Phil Smith

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Help The Twisty Cats


Ban the Experimental Breeding of Twisty Cats

A Good while ago I read a very disturbing article in my "Cats" magazine about the breeding of Twisty Cats.I had never heard of such a thing and was shocked after reading the article.How could a human do such a thing and on purpose!

The experimental breeding of these cats started in Texas.It has since become a popular and fashionable thing to own a Twisty Cat.Some of these poor little cats have been left to die.

What so many of us have feared has finally come true.These poor cats have been left to wander the streets.This is so inhumane.Why! I keep asking myself that question but I have no answers.

It seems that so far the *breeders* have the law on their side and they can breed in whatever fashion they decide,no matter how cruel or inhumane.They say they are doing it for scientific research but profits are being made from these poor defenseless cats.

I thought they had stopped these horrible experiments but they have not.The pictures of these defenseless,little cats should make everyone that is an animal lover livid with anger.

I urge you to go to the site that is listed here to learn more about the cruelty that is being inflicted upon these cats.Please sign the online petition.If we all ban together we can stop this vicious and cruel torture of God's most perfect creation.There is strength in numbers.We must speak up and stop this cruel and inhumane experimentation.

Sign the online petition to ban the experimental breeding of Twisty Cats. Click on the graphic below to learn more about the helpless Twisty Cats and to sign the online petition



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