
A Very Special Kitty

This is a page just for our very special friend,Victor.He has lots of fun in his big old house.Plenty to do and plenty of rooms to roam around in,There are a lot of good hiding places too.We went to his house to play with him but he was taking a cat nap like we all do.He was so worn out because he had been at our house and we put him through his paces.Those little ones are so fast on their feet.They were all running up and down the stairs and they meowed so loud when his human mommy had to take him back home.

He is lucky just like us because he has a really nice human mommy.He has a human gramma too.We don't have one of those but I bet they are real nice.His human gramma is real nice.She even let us play with Victor's toys while he was asleep. Imagine that! Guess what else she let us do? She let us have our favorite tuna.I am afraid that Smokey licked the bowl clean.Gramma said not to fret cause she had plenty and Victor likes to share.

Isn't that just wonderful! Victor is really a sound sleeper cause Cody,Lil Bear and Cheyenne got on the piano and was prancing on the keys.They thought it was beautiful but me and Baby had another name for it.

We wanted to make this special place for our friend and we hope that you will go visit him,his human mommy and his gramma.You will sure be glad that you did.
Victor thinks we are pretty special too.Look what he had his gramma make just for us.



Thank you so much Victor and Gramma

Victor thinks we are so cute but he is so handsome like our Cody. He does like to take a lot of the catnaps just like Cody too.He is such a purrfect kitty.We always have such a marvelous time at his gramma's house.

If you want to go and play with Victor just click on his banner.You will have a great time but you will need a catnap afterwards.You will really get worn out from all the fun things to do and explore.



Before you kittys go to see Victor how about showing your humans you can do the chow chow.Listen to music for kittys and their humans too.


If you want to see the terrific things his human mommy and gramma make just click on the link at the bottom of the page to Sunshine Graphics. His gramma made this special background for our purrty, buddy Victor.

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