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"+ ""+ "
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Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Results

" + "
"+ "
"+'\n'+ "

"+ ""+ " "+ "

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Your browser is at present blocking the popups which are required for the fullscreen or maximised screen options with local files.
To avoid this warning in the future, you should adjust your browser and/or quiz settings.
Please click 'Continue' to start the quiz.
" + P3 + "
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Setting the joker allows you one free go
Setting the joker allows you one free go
Setting the joker allows you one free go
Setting the joker allows you one free go
Setting the joker allows you one free go
Setting the joker allows you one free go
left wheel middle wheel right wheel
Your turn Player 1 Player 2 Your turn
Option a
Option b
Option c
Option d
Your choice:

Now it's your turn: Player