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Candle Meditation

        Meditation is critical to the practice of psi, and essential to the discovery of the self.  Following is a sequence of simple candle meditation exercises which you should perform.  These exercises are designed to teach you basic techniques by the process of experiencing them.  You should perform each exercise in order, moving on to the following exercise only when you feel comfortable with the one before it.

        Take a candle into a dark quiet room where you can sit comfortably one or two meters away from the candle.  Light the candle, sit back, and relax.  Stare at the candle flame and relax your body and mind.  Clear your thoughts and focus them only on the flame.  Continue to focus on the candle flame for up to an hour if necessary.  When thoughts come to your mind, allow them to pass over you and through you, but do not acknowledge them.  Keep your mind clear and focused only on the flame.

        After meditating with complete focus on the candle flame for a time, you will experience a tingling and buzzing sensation, perhaps accompanied by a feeling of detachment.  Accept this sensation and welcome it.  Allow the sensation to grow.

        While you are in this state, familiarize yourself with your soul.  Your soul is the part of you which is left when there is no thought.  It is the you beneath the brain.

        Repeat this exercise many times until you are comfortable with it.  Come back to this exercise in the future when you need to clear your mind.

        Begin as in Exercise 1 by clearing your mind with the candle meditation.  Focus on the candle as you did before, and then become aware of your soul as in Exercise 1.  When you are focused on just being that part of you, you should reach out to the candle flame with your soul and feel your center of perception and awareness being at the same location as the flame.  Practice just this portion of the exercise until you are comfortable with it.

        Next visualize the candle flame stabilizing in a vertical position with no flickering, and expect it to take and maintain this form.  Feel your soul at the location of the candle flame, forming the flame shape that you are visualizing, and expect the flame to take this shape as you are forming it.  The act of "expectation" is critical.  You must fully believe and expect it will work at the precise moment that you are trying to make it work.  Keep the flame vertical and stable in this manner for a while.

        After you have succeeded in stabilizing the flame, you should visualize the candle flame tilting to the left, form the shape with your soul, and expect it to work at that very moment just as you did before.  After a while make the candle flame tilt to the right in the same manner.  At first simply tilt the flame a little in each direction, then as your confidence grows tilt it farther and farther to the side you have chosen.  When you first attempt to tilt the flame it may flicker a bit, and you should then attempt to stabilize it to a smooth controlled stable flame tilting to the chosen side.  Continue practicing this until you are able to tilt the flame far to either chosen side and keep it stable in that location.

        Repeat this exercise many times until you are comfortable with it.  Come back to this exercise in the future to stabilize your own mind, to get in touch with your soul, and to refresh yourself on how to influence the world.

        Do not underestimate the importance of this exercise.  Psi is performed by the soul, and the soul is the core of your being.  As such, it is essential that you understand the core of yourself and learn to deal internally with deeply rooted problems and stumbling blocks.

        Perform Exercise 1, clearing the mind as before.  When you have entered the meditative state, relax your focus and feel your awareness expand so that you are aware of the entirety of yourself.  Clear your thoughts completely so that you are ready to receive answers.  Begin asking yourself questions like, "What is it that bothers me most about myself?", or "What is preventing me from achieving what I want?"  Don't accept the first answer you give, but continue to ask yourself deeper and deeper questions probing down to the root causes for the problem at hand.

        Once you gain a deep understanding of the problem you are attempting to address, conclude this exercise by asking yourself, "What am I like?", and after you have answered that, ask, "What do I want to be like?"  You will get out of this exercise only as much as your self-honesty.

        Come back to this exercise in the future to resolve internal issues and stumbling blocks, and to promote your spiritual development.

        You should be comfortable with Exercise 2 before proceeding to this exercise.  Begin just as in Exercise 2, and tilt the candle flame to the sides to make sure you are in the correct state of mind and to gather your confidence.

        In the same manner that you tilted the candle flame to the side, reach out to the flame, visualize the flame stretching taller, and feel it shaping into a taller shape.  Practice stretching the flame taller for a while, and then reverse the visualization.  Shrink the flame into a smaller and smaller flame.  Keep making the flame smaller until the flame simply extinguishes and the candle is no longer lit.

        When you have accomplished this, congratulate yourself for demonstrating a clear and unmistakable influence over the physical world.  If you are having difficulty, remember that there is no real difference between this exercise and Exercise 2.  The only difference is psychological in overcoming your own expectations.  This is an important part of the personal journey of psi.

        Repeat this exercise many times until you are comfortable with it.  Come back to this exercise in the future to strengthen your influence of the physical world.

        More exercises in this series may be forthcoming.  Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments you have about these exercises.

(c) 2004, Sagentir,

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