Name: Matsuryou Kyoichi (Sho)
Type: Volks SD-13 Show
Make up: Zoukei-mura + own modifications
Place of Origin: Kyoto, Japan
Place he was found: Somewhere in Japan. Mystery.
Current Location : Singaporu
Age: 15

About him: Kyoichi is still acts like a child although he is a teenager, but could it just be a facade? He loves to eat alot especially sweet things and also curry rice. He easily gets tired and dozes off quickly. He is usually friendly and nice on normal days. He gets easily jealous and gets moody quickly too. He longs for another dollfie to love him. Perhaps when THE ONE comes, he will be more mature. He acts like a big brother to little ones. He likes to think while sitting next to the window. On other days, he would either compose music or do some art. Perhaps theres more to this boy? Only time will tell~
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