Final Fantasy VIII Gifs
My name's Squall.
Hello, I'm Rinoa!
Hi, my name's Zell!
Hey, people I'm Quistis!
I am the Sorceress's knight, Seifer.
I am the GF, Siren.
I'm Selphie, ouch!
Hello, I'm Selphie.
My name's Selphie.
Hi, I'm Selphie!
Hey, I'm Irvine!
Hey, everyone. I'm Ellone.
To Final Fantasy 8 Pictures
Yo, I'm Laguna!
Hello, I'm headmaster Cid.
Hey, I'm Kiros.
My name's Ward.
The name's Raijin!
Hi, I'm Quistis!
I am a Tonberry.
I'm a Cactuar!
My name's Carbuncle!
Hello, I'm Ifrit!
Hey, I'm Leviathan.
I'm a Moomba!
I am sorceress Edea.
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