Chapter 5: Over the Mountain and Through the Woods

“I wonder when we will get to meet Aurora,” said Gavin.
 “I wouldn’t count on it being so soon,” Marlene said.
 “Who says we will ever meet Aurora? What if we never find her and get lost and . .
.”   Mackenzie questioned.
 “Wwwe will meet Aurora.  Right guys?” Kara interrupted nervously.
 “Of course!” said Marlene confidently
 It wasn’t long before the seven children got to Lord Xavier’s castle.  There were
guards everywhere on the look out for the kids.
 “Now we have to sneak around here very quietly or Xavier’s guards might catch
us,” said Marlene.
 The children sneaked past the guards.  Mackenzie tripped over a rock.
 “Owwwwweeeeee!!!” screamed Mackenzie.
 “Hey!” exclaimed the guards.  They then had to run from the guards all the way to
the mountain (Mackenzie was hopping on one foot).
 “Great job!” shouted Chloe breathlessly.
 “Hey! All I did was accidentally trip over a rock. Sorrrrrry, sheesh!” said
 “Well, you didn’t have to yell like that! We all could have been caught.” exclaimed
 “There they go again,” mumbled Marlene, “would you two knock it off, please?”
 “Fine,” said Mackenzie and Chloe together.
 “Wow, look at that mountain!” said Kara excitedly.
 “That is definitely the biggest mountain I’ve ever seen!” exclaimed Gavin.
 “Well, let’s start climbing,” said Neil.
 “Right!” said the children.
 They started climbing the mountain and it was a long trip.  An hour later they
finally reached the top.
 “Geeez, my feet hurt so bad,” whined Caitlin.
 “Hey look everyone there’s a cave.  I’m guessing that Aurora is inside,” Gavin
 Mackenzie walked up to the cave and asked, “Aurora, are you home?”
 Then, a beautiful fairy flew out of the dark cave. “Yes, I’m home,” said Aurora,
“Is there something you want?”
 “We were sent here by Henry.  He told us you would help us, The Nightmare
Chasers, defeat HER,” answered Gavin.
 “Oh, it’s the new Nightmare Chasers team, huh?” asked
Aurora, “I was wondering when you would get sent.”
 “How do we use our gem stone rings?” asked Neil.
 “First you have to concentrate on the power and then it will emerge from the
stone,” replied Aurora.
 “How do we know what types of powers we have?” Gavin questioned.
 “I will tell you,” said Aurora, “also when all seven of you are fighting an enemy
together and you get in a bad situation you can summon a monster.”
 “You mean against the enemy, right?” asked Mackenzie.
 “DUH! You are sooo stupid!” exclaimed Chloe.
 “There you go again insulting my intelligence!” shouted Mackenzie.
 “Stop it you two!” Kara yelled, “please continue Aurora.”
 “As I was saying you can summon a monster but only if all seven of you are
together,” Aurora said, “and if all of you have mastered your powers you can get an even
more powerful and stronger monster to summon.”
 “Do you have a ring with special powers like ours?” asked Caitlin.
 “No, anyone born into this land are born with their special powers.  My powers are
Reviving Wings and Ice Storm,” answered Aurora.
 “Enough of that! What are our powers?” Mackenzie asked.
 “Your names and symbols first please,” said Aurora.
 “Me first! My name is Mackenzie and my symbol is courage,” Mackenzie replied.
 “Your rings have two powers each.  Mackenzie’s are Attack Barrier Protection
and Flare Bomb,” Aurora said.
 “My name is Marlene my symbol is love, this is Caitlin she has beauty, Gavin over
here has peace, Neil has friendship, Chloe has happiness, and Kara has harmony.” Marlene
said out of breath.
 “Marlene’s abilities are Heart Recovery and Bolt Torpedo, Caitlin’s are Healing
Waves and Tsunami Storm, Gavin’s abilities are Magic Barrier Protection and World
Peace, Chloe’s are Dexterity Doom and Solar Eclipse, Neil’s abilities are Stealing Soul
and Terrifying Typhoon, Kara’s abilities are Angels of Life and Icicles Shattered,” Aurora
 “What is the monster we can summon?” asked Neil.
 “I can’t say because its different for each group of Nightmare Chasers,” said
Aurora, “your strength is different from the other groups.”
 “Do you mean we are stronger than the other groups?” asked Gavin.
 “Or weaker it depends on how well you fight as a group,” Aurora replied.
 “I have two questions.  Who are the dragons guarding HER castle?  Are they
dangerous?” Marlene questioned.
 “The dragons guarding my sister’s castle fight tricky.  You better watch your back
fighting them.  Especially against Cyclone their leader,” answered Aurora.
 “Your sister?!” exclaimed all the children together.
 “Yes, she’s my older sister.  She is kind of the black sheep of our family because
she was born with bird wings instead of fairy wings.  Her wings replaced her arms too,”
said Aurora.
 “Just picturing her gives me the creeps,” Kara said.
 “She looks scary and she fights extremely well too,” added Aurora.
 “How are we supposed to beat her when none of us has had any fighting
experience?” asked Mackenzie.
 “You’ll have plenty of battles going through the Shady Tree Forest.  It’s at the
bottom of this mountain,” answered Aurora.
 “So, is that all we need to know?” asked Caitlin.
 “Yeah, I guess so,” Aurora replied.
 “Then let’s go!” said Mackenzie excitedly.
   The children started making their way down the other side of the enormous
mountain.  Then Gavin slipped on a loose rock and fell all the way down the mountain.
 “Oh, no Gavin!” screamed Marlene.
 The children climbed down the mountain as fast as they could to try and see if
Gavin was all right.  When they reached the bottom Gavin was unconscious.
 “Gavin are you ok?! Gavin say something!” exclaimed Marlene.
 Kara started to cry and then Caitlin started too.  Just then Marlene remembered
 “I know I’ll use my power to help him,” Marlene said aloud, “I just hope it
 “Heart Recovery!” shouted Marlene as she pointed her ring towards him.
 Next something amazing happened.  A bright red light shined from her ring and it
covered him like a blanket.  The next thing all the kids knew was Gavin was awake.
 “Uhh what just happened?” asked Gavin.
 Marlene gave Gavin a big hug and was screaming, “You’re ok! You’re ok!”
 “Yeah, I know,” Gavin said mystified.
 “That means my power works!” Marlene said excitedly.
 “You mean you used your power on me?” asked Gavin, “Why?  What happened?”
 “Well, you fell of the mountain and you weren’t moving so Marlene used her Heart
Recovery and you are ok,” Chloe quickly recapped.
 “Cool, so this means our rings really work huh?” Gavin questioned.
 “Yeah, I guess that’s all there really is to it.  How easy,” said Kara.
 “I didn’t just say the words.  I had to concentrate and clear my mind,” added
 “Now that we’re all down here we have to go through Shady Tree Forest,” Neil
 The kids started to make their way into the forest.  The forest was dark and misty
and the kids could barely see where they were going.
 “Wait a minute! We should split up. It’s too dangerous to be in one big group,”
said Marlene.
 “Okay, I’ll go with Chloe, Neil, and Mackenzie,” said Caitlin.
 “Then I guess Marlene, Kara, and I make up the last group,” said Gavin.
 “All right we will rendezvous at HER castle,” said Marlene, “see you guys later!”
 “Bye for now,” Chloe said.
 So Marlene’s group went right and Chloe’s group headed left down the path.
 Then Marlene’s group got their first battle.
 “Oh no! A battle,” Kara exclaimed as she pointed her ring at the two headed
demon and said, “Icicles Shattered!”
 Then a big sheet of ice shot out of Kara’s ring like rocket.
 “World Peace!” called Gavin as his ring glowed bright green.
 “Bolt Torpedo!” shouted Marlene as a bright bolt of lightning came out of her
 The enemy has been defeated. They have received 100 star coins and 500
experience points or (EXP)!
 “I wonder what experience points are,” said Kara.
 “This is like a video game I’ve played before.  Experience points must get us closer
to having a better summoner like Aurora said,” Gavin explained.
 “In a boy’s mind everything is like a video game,” mumbled Kara.

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